Hi Jammers! Today I will be doing the annual end-of-year Q&A for 2017. This has been an ongoing tradition for a while now, and every single time is loads of fun! So, without any further ado, let's start!
talonflame80841 asked...
1. Have you watched any version of ducktales?
2. Who is your favorite disney duck?
3. And have you ever played the game Petz?
1. Nope!
2. Probably Donald, since he and Daisy are the only ones I know of.
3. Nope. What's it like?
glittergal624 asked...
1. Do you watch Steven Universe?
2. What is your favorite animal irl?
1. No, but I've heard it's a really good show.
2. I love dogs, wolves, pigs, and bears (especially polar bears).
tig47498 asked...
1. What was the best part of your year in aj or real life?
2. Best meme of 2017?
3. Favorite game you played this year? (Not including animal jam)
4. What did you get for Christmas?
5. Favorite vine? (If you even have a favorite)
6. Funniest memory this year?
1. Hmm... that's hard. I really liked all of the vacations we went on.
2. myself lol
3. Somehow I got myself hooked on slither.io.
4. I got a chair, a graphics tablet, a ukelele, hygiene/beauty products, and some other things. :)
bahh6 asked...
1. What's the day you joined Animal Jam?
2. What's your second-favorite color?
3. What is the best Christmas present you think you're gonna get?
4. What is the Christmas present you want the most?
5. What's your favorite Adopt-A-Pet series?
6. How many AJ toys do you have?
7. What's your favorite dog?
8. Do you think AJ will do something new and special for 2018? If so, what?
9. Will you read my blog when I make one? It's gonna be for my stories. :D
1. I don't remember the exact date, but it was in late August of 2011.
2. Probably coral. My first favorite color is a tie between purple and mint green.
3. Well, since Christmas has already happened, I'll say it was my chair.
4. A chair. :P
5. The first one, since I have the most memories with it.
6. I'm not sure. I give a lot of them to my sister, but some of them I do keep... I really don't know. Hehe.
7. I like all the doodle dogs - goldendoodles, labradoodles, bernedoodles, etc. I don't like small, skinny, yappy dogs.
8. Hopefully they bring back Club Geoz in some way and introduce a new land.
9. Sure!
mysticnarwhal2 asked...
1. Is the deer shown your main animal?
1. Yep!
2. Nope. I've tried it before, and I've never liked it all that much.
3. My purple ducky.
sugarcat2 asked...
1. What's the first thing you'd do if pigs could fly?
2. Have you ever been to Europe?
3. Would horses be your first pick as a favourite animal?
4. Do you ever get frustrated when you have to convert between US and Metric Units?
5. Have you ever had a sunny Christmas (Or rainy? Whenever I have Christmas, of all the days in December, it usually rains)?
6. Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings?
1. Nothing.
2. Sadly no, but I want to go to England VERY BADLY!
3. Nah. Although they are beautiful creatures, they give me hay fever. (Hahaha, geddit? Hay fever? Cause horses eat hay? I promise I'm funny.)
5. I have no idea. I don't pay that much attention to the weather on holidays... oopsies.
6. I haven't read either book, so I don't have a clue (sue me)!
biggulps asked...
1. Have you tried the mystery oreos?
2. Have you been to Lambert's cafe?
1. No, but I want to!
2. Nope.
GoldenPotato asked...
1. Did you watch Cars 3?
2. Are you gonna watch The Last Jedi?
3. Where's the 'jam' in Animal Jam?
1. Yep, and although the franchise was supposedly trying to redeem itself after Cars 2, I didn't really like it. I was pretty bored sitting in the theater. Speaking of which, oddly enough, I actually really enjoyed Cars 2. Maybe it's because I'm fond of mysteries and things like that.
2. I already have. ;) It was pretty awesome. I LOVE Kylo Ren's character and the inner conflict that occurs within him. His character development was phenomenal in that movie.
3. Right here:
1. What inspired you to make an Animal Jam blog?
2. Do you agree that the newest adventure the forgotten city is incredibly hard
3. Whats your favorite color?
4. Do you agree everyone should have some animal jam on their toast and a chicken smoothie :)
5. When did you join AJ?
6. How many siblings do you have?
1. lemon or lime
2. is minnesota a real state in your opinion or just a lake
3. do you consider the kazoo an instrument
4. is overwatch a real sport
5. is the squid an animal or a plant
6. is a wolf a dog
7. will you do an animal jam whip movie night soon
8. do your hands get sticky every 5 minutes like mine
9. theres a book caled astrology for dummies, is there such a thing as astrology not for dummies though?
10. If I started a bus and drove it across America and Canada all the way up to arctic circle, picking up people who don't know what direction to go with in their life, would you get on it?
talonflame80841 asked...
1. Have you watched any version of ducktales?
2. Who is your favorite disney duck?
3. And have you ever played the game Petz?
1. Nope!
2. Probably Donald, since he and Daisy are the only ones I know of.
3. Nope. What's it like?
glittergal624 asked...
1. Do you watch Steven Universe?
2. What is your favorite animal irl?
1. No, but I've heard it's a really good show.
2. I love dogs, wolves, pigs, and bears (especially polar bears).
tig47498 asked...
1. What was the best part of your year in aj or real life?
2. Best meme of 2017?
3. Favorite game you played this year? (Not including animal jam)
4. What did you get for Christmas?
5. Favorite vine? (If you even have a favorite)
6. Funniest memory this year?
1. Hmm... that's hard. I really liked all of the vacations we went on.
2. myself lol
3. Somehow I got myself hooked on slither.io.
4. I got a chair, a graphics tablet, a ukelele, hygiene/beauty products, and some other things. :)
6. The year in itself was a funny memory.
bahh6 asked...
1. What's the day you joined Animal Jam?
2. What's your second-favorite color?
3. What is the best Christmas present you think you're gonna get?
4. What is the Christmas present you want the most?
5. What's your favorite Adopt-A-Pet series?
6. How many AJ toys do you have?
7. What's your favorite dog?
8. Do you think AJ will do something new and special for 2018? If so, what?
9. Will you read my blog when I make one? It's gonna be for my stories. :D
1. I don't remember the exact date, but it was in late August of 2011.
2. Probably coral. My first favorite color is a tie between purple and mint green.
3. Well, since Christmas has already happened, I'll say it was my chair.
4. A chair. :P
5. The first one, since I have the most memories with it.
6. I'm not sure. I give a lot of them to my sister, but some of them I do keep... I really don't know. Hehe.
7. I like all the doodle dogs - goldendoodles, labradoodles, bernedoodles, etc. I don't like small, skinny, yappy dogs.
8. Hopefully they bring back Club Geoz in some way and introduce a new land.
9. Sure!
mysticnarwhal2 asked...
1. Is the deer shown your main animal?
2. Do you play Transformice?
3. Favorite pet on AJ?Answers:
1. Yep!
2. Nope. I've tried it before, and I've never liked it all that much.
3. My purple ducky.
sugarcat2 asked...
1. What's the first thing you'd do if pigs could fly?
2. Have you ever been to Europe?
3. Would horses be your first pick as a favourite animal?
4. Do you ever get frustrated when you have to convert between US and Metric Units?
5. Have you ever had a sunny Christmas (Or rainy? Whenever I have Christmas, of all the days in December, it usually rains)?
6. Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings?
1. Nothing.
2. Sadly no, but I want to go to England VERY BADLY!
3. Nah. Although they are beautiful creatures, they give me hay fever. (Hahaha, geddit? Hay fever? Cause horses eat hay? I promise I'm funny.)
5. I have no idea. I don't pay that much attention to the weather on holidays... oopsies.
6. I haven't read either book, so I don't have a clue (sue me)!
biggulps asked...
1. Have you tried the mystery oreos?
2. Have you been to Lambert's cafe?
1. No, but I want to!
2. Nope.
GoldenPotato asked...
1. Did you watch Cars 3?
2. Are you gonna watch The Last Jedi?
3. Where's the 'jam' in Animal Jam?
1. Yep, and although the franchise was supposedly trying to redeem itself after Cars 2, I didn't really like it. I was pretty bored sitting in the theater. Speaking of which, oddly enough, I actually really enjoyed Cars 2. Maybe it's because I'm fond of mysteries and things like that.
2. I already have. ;) It was pretty awesome. I LOVE Kylo Ren's character and the inner conflict that occurs within him. His character development was phenomenal in that movie.
3. Right here:

sarahkey8 asked...
2. Do you agree that the newest adventure the forgotten city is incredibly hard
3. Whats your favorite color?
4. Do you agree everyone should have some animal jam on their toast and a chicken smoothie :)
5. When did you join AJ?
6. How many siblings do you have?
1. Other Animal Jam bloggers like Meloetta385, snowyclaw, and more.
2. I agree 100%.
3. Purple, mint green, coral, light blue... I have a lot, but purple and mint green are at the top.
4. yEs ;)
5. August 2011.
6. Two. One brother, one sister.
Anar asked...
2. is minnesota a real state in your opinion or just a lake
3. do you consider the kazoo an instrument
4. is overwatch a real sport
5. is the squid an animal or a plant
6. is a wolf a dog
7. will you do an animal jam whip movie night soon
8. do your hands get sticky every 5 minutes like mine
9. theres a book caled astrology for dummies, is there such a thing as astrology not for dummies though?
10. If I started a bus and drove it across America and Canada all the way up to arctic circle, picking up people who don't know what direction to go with in their life, would you get on it?
1. Lemon.
2. It's basically just a lake.
3. Of course. ;)
4. Only if you want it to be. Don't let your dreams be dreams, kids.
5. Both.
6. Sure.
7. Maybe.
8. No...
9. Most likely.
That's all of the questions. Thanks for reading! Happy (almost) New Year!