2015's been a fantastic year. We've suffered, we've laughed... overall, I think this past year was amazing. What are your hopes/resolutions for 2016?
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
If you haven't already entered this giveaway through YouTube, make sure to comment down below your username, status, and a number between 1-100 for a chance to win one of the items above! You may only enter once, so you may not comment through YouTube and Blogger. Have a great day!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas/Jamaalidays, everybody! ^.^ What are you doing to celebrate this holiday? My family and I are going sledding. :P
Thursday, December 24, 2015
GLITCHED Festive Lights!?
Hello, hello, hello! It's Christmas Eve! Yahoo! :D
If you haven't logged into Animal Jam today for your daily gift yet, you'd better, because there's something peculiar about the item you will receive.
Today's gift is "Festive Lights".
(this is the color I own)
It's a rather original clothing item that fits nicely around your animal's back, but there are a few too many weird attributes pertaining to it.
Before I get into more detail, let me just say that the string connecting the lights is magenta-colored. You know what that means: something's fishy around here. Here in Jamaa, magenta has the infamous nickname of "the color of glitch".
Firstly, it's MEMBERS-ONLY. No, I'm not saying this just because I strive for Member and Non-Member equality (which is an entirely different subject), but usually a Jamaaliday gift is for all Jammers.
Secondly, it's available for purchase in Jam Mart Clothing for 450 gems.
Thirdly, there are only two colors of this item (as of now): the one shown above with some green lights and one completely magenta.
Don't tell me that's not weird.
But what's even WEIRDER is that this is the same exact situation that the turquoise ring was in.
When it was first released, you couldn't change the color of item more than twice. When AJHQ patched the bug, the "glitched" versions were no longer available, thus making the "glitched" rings extremely valuable.
So, in conclusion, my advice to you is:
Have a fantastic Christmas/Jamaalidays! :)
Monday, December 21, 2015
Aparri and the Swagaholics
This is an early Jamaaliday present for you all. ^.^
Please share this video with your friends! Happy holidays!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Den Betas are Back!?
Hello! :)
Yesterday (was it yesterday? or the day before? whatever, who's keeping track anyway?), a minor update was made to Animal Jam.
Pet penguins were released into the Diamond Shop (why am I not surprised?), the 2016 New Year's party will be arriving soon, etc.
But the biggest addition to Jamaa was the new host-your-own-party system.
Basically, Members are allowed to host their own parties in a pre-decorated den. Kind of like party packages on Webkinz.
There are a few different party themes to choose from. One of them is a trading party.
Each party comes with a miniature store for your guests to shop at.
Well, when I was visiting a trading party earlier today, I noticed that the store had some familiar items for sale...
Yes, my friends. AJHQ has brought back den betas.
Not all of the den betas, of course. Just the fountain, the fire pit, and the bongo drums. At least, those are what I call true den betas that were ACTUALLY FROM BETA TIMES.
Anyway, a lot of my buddies are rather disappointed with these items being released back into the game after so many years.
But the real question here is, why?
Why do YOU think AJHQ brought back these den betas? Do you think they might bring back more den betas in the future?
Leave your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Q&A 2015
Hi there! c:
Christmas is right around the corner, with New Year's just inches behind.
Isn't it strange how quickly this year has gone by? o.0
It seems as if it zoomed past me at the speed of light. Only a faint blur of it I can remember.
Anywho, today I wanted to let you all know that I will be doing a Q&A video for the holidays. ^-^
But before I get into more detail, I just wanted to thank all of you for another wonderful year on Animal Jam. You are all so supportive of me. I don't deserve your kind comments and Jam-A-Grams. ;)
I'm really glad I decided to take that break during the summer. It took so much stress off my shoulders. :3
And ever since I chose to continue posting (whenever I feel like it), you, yes, YOU helped this blog make a comeback.
So, I thought of doing something fun this festive little season: a Q&A video.
That's correct. A Q&A video.
If you've ever wondered why in the world polar bears have black skin, or what my favorite food is, then now is your chance to ask me!
Your questions don't have to be specifically directed towards me, like most Q&A videos. You can ask me anything you want, as long as it's not inappropriate. I want to keep this video rated G/PG, just for the younger viewers. ^.^
I won't answer your questions until the day I record the video, which will be sometime after Christmas.
You can leave your questions down in the comment section down below, e-mail them to me +Nafaria AJ (nafariaaj@gmail.com), or ask me on Animal Jam, if you really need to. :P
Thanks for reading, y'all. xD
Oh, by the way, are you guys enjoying the 25 Days of Giveaways? Should I keep making more? I won't make one today, since I am rather busy, but maybe tomorrow.
Christmas is right around the corner, with New Year's just inches behind.
Isn't it strange how quickly this year has gone by? o.0
It seems as if it zoomed past me at the speed of light. Only a faint blur of it I can remember.

But before I get into more detail, I just wanted to thank all of you for another wonderful year on Animal Jam. You are all so supportive of me. I don't deserve your kind comments and Jam-A-Grams. ;)
I'm really glad I decided to take that break during the summer. It took so much stress off my shoulders. :3
And ever since I chose to continue posting (whenever I feel like it), you, yes, YOU helped this blog make a comeback.
So, I thought of doing something fun this festive little season: a Q&A video.
That's correct. A Q&A video.
If you've ever wondered why in the world polar bears have black skin, or what my favorite food is, then now is your chance to ask me!
Your questions don't have to be specifically directed towards me, like most Q&A videos. You can ask me anything you want, as long as it's not inappropriate. I want to keep this video rated G/PG, just for the younger viewers. ^.^
I won't answer your questions until the day I record the video, which will be sometime after Christmas.
You can leave your questions down in the comment section down below, e-mail them to me +Nafaria AJ (nafariaaj@gmail.com), or ask me on Animal Jam, if you really need to. :P
Thanks for reading, y'all. xD
Oh, by the way, are you guys enjoying the 25 Days of Giveaways? Should I keep making more? I won't make one today, since I am rather busy, but maybe tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Day #15: Rare Blanket

Now, for the fifteenth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Monday, December 14, 2015
Glitched Gingerbread Man Mask!?
Hey Jammers! ^-^
It's been a while since I've actually made a REAL post. :P
Well, the news I'm about to give you isn't really that NEW, but it's worth a shot, right?
Today I wanted to talk about this supposedly "glitched" gingerbread man mask. At least, I think it's a gingerbread man mask. o.o
This item was released last week (or was it the week before?). What's strange about it is that it has no name. When you hover over the item with your cursor, it either says a bunch of numbers or takes up the name of the item next to it. We don't know the real name of this item, but to me it looks like a gingerbread man mask.
In the picture above, there are two masks. The one shown on the right is the version that most people have. But the one shown on the left is a color that everyone describes as "glitched".
No one is sure where this mask came from, but this item is already glitched to begin with, anyway. Perhaps it was released early in the morning, like around midnight. Maybe it's not "glitched", but only an extremely rare alternate of the original item that only very lucky Jammers received.
Apparently, some Jammers, like Nemachu, are offering as high valued items as tan tiki masks for this "glitched" gingerbread man mask.
If you just so happen to own this super rare item, don't be fooled and trade it away thinking it's not worth something.
Have a jamtastic day! :)
Day #14: Scary Antlers

Now, for the fourteenth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Day #13: Giant Lion Plushie

Congratulations to Fall17! You won a heart balloon from the previous giveaway. Check your inbox for your prize! ^.^
Now, for the thirteenth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Day #12: Heart Balloon

Now, for the twelfth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! Isn't it crazy that Christmas is only in less than two weeks!? To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Friday, December 11, 2015
Days #10 and #11: Rare Medusa Mask + Rare Bow and Arrows

Now, for the tenth AND eleventh giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! To enter for a chance to win either one of the items below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :) There will be two winners this time because of the previous day. c:
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
I just got home and it's really late for a school night, so no giveaway tomorrow. Sorry! I promise to make up for it.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Day #8: Zios Mask

Now, for the eighth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Monday, December 7, 2015
Day #7: Rare Police Hat

Congratulations to Jammer3l0fj! You won a rare hat and beard from the previous giveaway. ^.^ Check your inbox for your prize!
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Day #5: Raccoon Tail

Congratulations to Cheetah87516! You won a rare shark fin from the previous giveaway. ^.^ Check your inbox for your prize!
Now, for the fifth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Friday, December 4, 2015
Oh, the Glory Days...
As of 12/4/15, there are only THREE Jamaaliday Member items in the Jam Mart Furniture shop.
Oh, the glory days!
Oh, the glory days!
Day #4: Rare Shark Fin

Congratulations to awesomepanda868! You won a yellow arctic coat from the previous giveaway. ^.^ Let me know when we can meet up so I can give you your prize.
Now, for the fourth giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program! Whew, we are speeding through December, aren't we? O.O To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Jamaaliday House Rant
Yes, it's that time again. Welcome to another rant post.
If you can't handle negativity/rant posts, you'd better leave, because... well, that's all there is to this post.
So, you may have already logged in to see the new update. It's not bad, really. I mean, there's not much new added to the game, but at least deer have returned and another seasonal Adventure is back, right?
But the "new" den isn't even NEW.
If you can't handle negativity/rant posts, you'd better leave, because... well, that's all there is to this post.
So, you may have already logged in to see the new update. It's not bad, really. I mean, there's not much new added to the game, but at least deer have returned and another seasonal Adventure is back, right?
But the "new" den isn't even NEW.
If you click on "preview", you might notice that almost EVERYTHING is EXACTLY the same as the Gingerbread House, except for a few more cinnamon roll sidewalks and a colorful candy gazebo on the far left side. :T
This is the same thing that happened with the Epic Haunted Manor.
See, this is exactly WHY I am NOT purchasing this den. >:(
Based on my current knowledge, it becomes apparent that AJHQ isn't being as creative as they should be.
They're taking dens they designed in the previous years, and then making slight adjustments here and there.
Day #3: Arctic Coat

Congratulations to Junie4563! You won a purple werewolf mask from the previous giveaway. ^.^ Check your Jam-A-Gram inbox for your prize!
Now, for the third giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program. To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100! :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Day #2: Werewolf Mask
Congratulations to Cheetah87516! You won a pair of green bow and arrows! :) Your prize will be sent shortly.
Now for the second giveaway of the 25 Days of Giveaways! program. To enter for a chance to win the item below, please comment your username, status, and a number between 1-100 in the comment section! ^.^
Good luck! c:
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