Hey Jammers!
Today I thought it would be fun to go to the new Alpha Headquarters and ask whoever is there what they think of it.
Ready? Let's go!
I didn't get screenshots, but this one dude was screaming (referring to Peck's armor), ''WHAT ARE YOU, A BUNNY OR A BIRD!? MAKE UP YOUR MIND BRO!'' I thought he was hilarious so I buddied him. LOL!
That's all I have for you guys today. Do you agree with the people whom I interviewed in this post? Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments.
That's the whip!
Today I thought it would be fun to go to the new Alpha Headquarters and ask whoever is there what they think of it.
Ready? Let's go!
DJ Spiritanimal says it isn't fair, and I can see where he is coming from, considering all of the armor sets are for members only.
This red panda (or should I say peach panda) hates it. She didn't specify why she hates it, but she hates it.
THANK YOU, DANCING CUTELILAC. THANK YOU. I am glad at least one of the Jammers I interviewed realizes that Tavie is missing. Honestly, Tavie doesn't deserve to be an Alpha. She deserves MORE. #respectTavie
I love Wretched Alienspirit's reaction to the previous comment.
And here he is again. Yes, I buddied him.
That is a good question you have there, Prince Artisticclaw. Where is Tavie?
Swift Smartyapple thinks the Alpha Headquarters is ''cool, SO COOL''. I like the positivity.
This Jammer actually explained why they enjoy the museum. They said they liked it because of how much time AJHQ put into it. I'm not sure I entirely agree with this statement, but I do appreciate her giving some insight as to why her opinion is what it is.
Daredevil Glaringfalcon wants the old Jamaa back. Me too, pal. Me too.
I didn't get screenshots, but this one dude was screaming (referring to Peck's armor), ''WHAT ARE YOU, A BUNNY OR A BIRD!? MAKE UP YOUR MIND BRO!'' I thought he was hilarious so I buddied him. LOL!
That's all I have for you guys today. Do you agree with the people whom I interviewed in this post? Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments.
That's the whip!

Omg this is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteEspecially the one where he said,"Are you a bunny or bird?"
That's my thought everyday day!
Is peck a bunny or a bird?
Those peeps opinions though
ReplyDeleteI bet AJHQ is gonna make a Underwater version of the Alpha Headquarters, And Travi will be there along with other Alpha's they could introduce in future adventures! Like a Shark, Turtle, Maybe even ones who can be underwater and on land like Seals or Polar Bears! and there's still so much more artifacts they could add! Although.... They do have a underwater whirlpool thingy, So if that's what's stopping them and when they can just change it out then that is just pretty dumb.
ReplyDeleteTbh I kinda like the changes AJ has made. The new Jamaa journal layout, the alpha headquarters, I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but that's OK since it's only an opinion. Club Geox will be missed, but I think that we should try to stay positive! :)
I totally agree! Though everything in the Alpha Headquarters is basically diamonds. AJ has to tone down on the diamond items.
Oh my original commwnt didn't go through. I mad a typo on it and i was correcting it.
I LOVED THE PECK COMMENT! XDDDD Reading your posts always make me feel happier ^-^
ReplyDeleteI actually quite like the new building though I wish it hadn't replaced Club Geoz. There's plenty more space, why destroy something so nostalgic?
GIF TAVIE!!! NEED TAVIE! W H E R E I S T A V I E ? ? ? I donut like "new" Jamaa. I shouldn't have taken Club Geoz for granted. Now the SELFISH MEAN GREEDY ALPHAS HAVE RIPPED IT DOWN AND COVERED IT UP WITH NEW "LORE" STUFF! AND THEY'VE MADE A SHRINE FOR THEMSELVES!!! (Oh, and DOUBLE SPIKED COLLARS? Really? Too far AJHQ. Too far.) I agree with the first reaction, too. Why are all of the armor sets for members only?! I want old AJ back. When only RARE spikes existed, and when flower crowns, tulip patches, and ibex horns (?) weren't overrated. (Oh, and when did flower crowns become so rare? They were in stores in like 2015, and are now worth 1 beta??? D:< ) I want old Jamaa Journal. I want more well-designed animals, like the red panda. (Cougars look like.. bleh. No offense to anyone. They just look too cute and fuzzy to be cougars.) I want my old AJ back. I want better ideas from AJHQ. (Can they pls listen to the community about the "less spikes more anything other than spikes" ideas?) Okay, I'm done with my rant. Bye-bye!
ReplyDelete~a disappointed awesomecutesmiles
ReplyDeleteI was so ready to break the screen! ( btw i also guessed that Animal Jam would do this, Because they ALWAYS do this!!)
I Mean the building is nice, but the EVERYTHING IS MEMBER THING, Got me MAD!! My thoughts right now! :)
(On vacation atm. I managed to snag the tablet, so I won't be able to comment much)
Sorry, needed to get it out of my head.......
But birds peck at seeds or the ground, and that's Peck's name, yet Peck is a rabbit. Anyone following what I'm saying..? XD
ReplyDeleteOk, first things first. Why can't they locate the Alpha HQ somewhere else? Club Geoz has been around since BETA, and they expect that jammers will just go with the plan? Excuse me but many happy memories were made there, for all jammers. Let's also remember the member alpha items! Nowadays, Animal Jam is becoming more and more member biased, I guess is the right word? I mean, sure, I get that it needs to get money somehow, but they are literally starving nms of their nm rights. They used to be able to send and recieve gifts! Now look what has happened today. I took one look around the alpha hq and I'm just staying out of it. Why AJHQ??
ReplyDeleteI agree. If they're that desperate for money, why not just make it a game you have to buy?
DeleteLater: 'AJ is now a paid game. No non members allowed.'
-uprising rebellion roar- :P