Saturday, November 30, 2013
Princess Chairs, Graphics, and Username Numbers
Hello Jammers! I have woken up LAAAAATE again. >.< Next week I'll try to go to bed earlier, so I can post earlier, too. Today's new item is a Pet Princess Chair!

(Image from Animal Jam Sky Blog)
What item do you believe is the most adorable in the new party?
Oh, and be sure to vote on the poll! *checks poll* You've got 17 hours left to vote!
Anymore username ideas? So far everyone is sticking with nafariastar9, correct?
What other usernames can you come up with, in case I DO change it?
I was also thinking of changing the numbers instead of the word, like nafaria93, nafaria119, nafaria59, I dunno.
Anyway, I have 2 more graphics for you guys:
Now don't these just blow you away?
(:P, Not really.)
-sigh- I wish this hacking madness would end. My dens are always so lonely and vacant. :(
One more thing. What item would you like to see in Jamaalidays this year? The gifting starts tomorrow. It has to be completely NEW. My friends have suggested great things such as snowflake carpet, wrapping paper wallpaper, Jamaaliday gloves, and even my suggestion-a lit reindeer to place in yards! What are your ideas?
Well, go have a jamtastic day! Bye!

Friday, November 29, 2013
Contest is Up!
I put up a new contest! Enter by clicking the AWARDS button on the right side of the blog.
Snowballs and New Username
Hello Jammers! I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! I got home from my aunt's house at 10:30 last night, so that's why I slept in a little bit.
Oh, and Happy Black Friday! This is when all the stores go on sale and there's thousands of anxious shoppers. :P
Anyway, today's new item is a Pile of Snowballs, which I can all ambush you with! >:3
Oh, and Happy Black Friday! This is when all the stores go on sale and there's thousands of anxious shoppers. :P
Anyway, today's new item is a Pile of Snowballs, which I can all ambush you with! >:3
Nice load of snow you've got, Jam Mart Furniture. :P
Alright guys--
Sorry. I have decided to change my username. It's the only way to keep me safe!
I've changed my password. I'm thinking of changing the parent dashboard password.
I want to be prepared for this.
I have transferred all of my items to a side account. Please buddy me on Crestedclaw, if you all can. In case I get hacked, you know.
I'm going to keep the items on the side for a week and see how it goes. If I'm not hacked by then, I'll go for a FEW more days....then we'll see.
So, I want your opinions on the new username!
I was thinking nafariawings9, nafariaforest9, nafariastar9, or nafariadust9.
Something new, but not entirely new. Just so that I'm still the Nafaria you know, but the hacker won't discover me.
Comment your thoughts!
Thanks, and good luck for me!

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving, Jammers! Gobble gobble gobble. :3 I'm so excited for today! My uncle slaughtered a 35-pound farm turkey for us to eat. O_O I better come hungry for the feast!
To start off, the nice and new items are found in the Play-As-Your-Pet-Party. Sadly I must have missed it, due to my sleeping problem this morning. Hey, we were ice skating for two hours!
Anyway, there are two new items today. One is a beach towel, and another is a stone chair. I couldn't find a picture of the towel, so I have borrowed a nice picture of the stone chair from wolfgirlgo's Daily A-Jam. ^.^
To start off, the nice and new items are found in the Play-As-Your-Pet-Party. Sadly I must have missed it, due to my sleeping problem this morning. Hey, we were ice skating for two hours!
Anyway, there are two new items today. One is a beach towel, and another is a stone chair. I couldn't find a picture of the towel, so I have borrowed a nice picture of the stone chair from wolfgirlgo's Daily A-Jam. ^.^

Cute! But, seriously, why would any pet want to sit on those vines? o.o
Well, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of turkey, and stuff yourself. Isn't it weird why most people get sick on Thanksgiving week? :T
Anyway, due to my EXTREME paranoia, I might be thinking of changing my username to nafaria39 or something.
I need your help! ;(
Okay, bye for now!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Official Story (Hacking Airlec02)--The Dark Days of Animal Jam
So there I was, minding my own business on Animal Jam. My buddy airlec13 logged on, and sent a JAG that said:
So I frantically JAGGED Airlec back:
So Airlec came to my den, and said: "I've been hacked!"
I replied, "What!?!?"
"They took nearly everything....but this yeti mask."
Airlec placed the mask on her wolf, Leaping Futurespirit's, face. Then she got logged out, logged back in, and the yeti mask was gone.
"Oh no, they just took my last rare!" screamed Airlec.
"I am so sorry!" I told my friend. "Here, take this green pirate sword that I cherish. Now you can cherish it."
I sent the sword, and the moment I did, Airlec said thanks and logged off.
Of course, I had no clue that the mysterious figure I was speaking with was the hacker.
That was until I saw some confused comments on when I posted about Airlec being hacked.
Yes, Airlec was hacked. But the REAL Airlec and her sister numnum13 commented, and said that wasn't the true story. Numnum gave her theory about what happened, and told me that it was very possible that whoever was on Airlec's account wasn't the real Airlec.
I started to panic.
The hacker had spoke to me, seen me, and some of the special items in my den we were sitting nearby. All night I was terrified what would happen in the morning, whether my items would be gone or not.
The next morning, I crossed my fingers, as the login world swirled. I couldn't believe my luck! I wasn't hacked after all. But there's also another day, and another, so I'm still worried what will come within each one.
But I'm not the only one who is a possible victim.
That morning, my friends FluffiestSlug, atreeatree2, and edwingrim2 were all hanging out in the new party for pets. We were all chatting and having fun, until my other friends came along. That was when we discovered that my other friends, who had no idea what happened to Airlec, were still Airlec's buddy. Fluffybunny326 said, "Hey, airlec13 is on!"
We all yelled. "WHAT!?"
"Fluffy, airlec13 was hacked! Whoever is on airlec13's account right now is probably the hacker!" I typed as fast as my scared little fingers could go.
I sent my friends a JAG:
Soon, Airlec showed up in the party. I hid as well as I could. When Airlec was out of view, we all went to edwingrim2's den. Airlec was still online, though.
Edwingrim explained that during our panic at the party, she had received a JAG from Airlec:
"I am not the real air."
"I am not the real air."
"I am not the real air."
It banged in my head so many times.
Numnum13 was correct!
We all deleted and blocked airlec13. The whole mystery was actually quite fun...yet it made me paranoid.
So now the hacker knows edwingrim2 and I exist, and probably many more of my innocent, dear friends.
Later that day, my friend RainbowCat1 told me Air's new username was airlec02.
And just a few minutes ago, I looked at airlec13's blog, and she posted that she got her account back. ^.^ Plus, she said SHE was the one who changed the username. Good, good. :)
So not only had Airlec been hacked on all her items (or most of them I believe), but all her animals were erased, her account password and username changed, and worst of all-her parent email was hacked into as well.
Now let's conclude this matter:
That's all there is to it.
This is freaky, don't you think?
(Mainly because of the hacker. After all, he/she DOES know I exist, so I'm horrified I'm his/her next shot.)
So I frantically JAGGED Airlec back:
So Airlec came to my den, and said: "I've been hacked!"
I replied, "What!?!?"
"They took nearly everything....but this yeti mask."
Airlec placed the mask on her wolf, Leaping Futurespirit's, face. Then she got logged out, logged back in, and the yeti mask was gone.
"Oh no, they just took my last rare!" screamed Airlec.
"I am so sorry!" I told my friend. "Here, take this green pirate sword that I cherish. Now you can cherish it."
I sent the sword, and the moment I did, Airlec said thanks and logged off.
Of course, I had no clue that the mysterious figure I was speaking with was the hacker.
That was until I saw some confused comments on when I posted about Airlec being hacked.
Yes, Airlec was hacked. But the REAL Airlec and her sister numnum13 commented, and said that wasn't the true story. Numnum gave her theory about what happened, and told me that it was very possible that whoever was on Airlec's account wasn't the real Airlec.
I started to panic.
The hacker had spoke to me, seen me, and some of the special items in my den we were sitting nearby. All night I was terrified what would happen in the morning, whether my items would be gone or not.
The next morning, I crossed my fingers, as the login world swirled. I couldn't believe my luck! I wasn't hacked after all. But there's also another day, and another, so I'm still worried what will come within each one.
But I'm not the only one who is a possible victim.
That morning, my friends FluffiestSlug, atreeatree2, and edwingrim2 were all hanging out in the new party for pets. We were all chatting and having fun, until my other friends came along. That was when we discovered that my other friends, who had no idea what happened to Airlec, were still Airlec's buddy. Fluffybunny326 said, "Hey, airlec13 is on!"
We all yelled. "WHAT!?"
"Fluffy, airlec13 was hacked! Whoever is on airlec13's account right now is probably the hacker!" I typed as fast as my scared little fingers could go.
I sent my friends a JAG:
Soon, Airlec showed up in the party. I hid as well as I could. When Airlec was out of view, we all went to edwingrim2's den. Airlec was still online, though.
Edwingrim explained that during our panic at the party, she had received a JAG from Airlec:
"I am not the real air."
"I am not the real air."
"I am not the real air."
It banged in my head so many times.
Numnum13 was correct!
We all deleted and blocked airlec13. The whole mystery was actually quite fun...yet it made me paranoid.
So now the hacker knows edwingrim2 and I exist, and probably many more of my innocent, dear friends.
Later that day, my friend RainbowCat1 told me Air's new username was airlec02.
And just a few minutes ago, I looked at airlec13's blog, and she posted that she got her account back. ^.^ Plus, she said SHE was the one who changed the username. Good, good. :)
So not only had Airlec been hacked on all her items (or most of them I believe), but all her animals were erased, her account password and username changed, and worst of all-her parent email was hacked into as well.
Now let's conclude this matter:
That's all there is to it.
This is freaky, don't you think?
(Mainly because of the hacker. After all, he/she DOES know I exist, so I'm horrified I'm his/her next shot.)
Scarves, Graphics, and Danger
Hi Jammers! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Whoo-hoo! Today's new item is a Striped Scarf, perfect for the Jamaalidays!
I wish it were for Non-Members! :(
Also, I wonder if they'll bring Jamaaliday Scarves back. Those were for Non-Members, and they were great!
Also, the new poll is going up on the side of the blog. Be sure to vote within 3 days!
Here's some extra-special graphics I got for you guys:
And I even now introduce the new Cheetah Background, perfect for desktops, laptops, and blogs. ^.^ These graphics will be placed on the graphics tab. :)
Also, I have a very sad tale to tell:
Alright, well, that's all for today. Be sure to listen to me whistle in the post below! :P

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Whistling to Roar
Whistling has always been a favorite for me. In this video there are a few tweaks on the lower parts, but this is how I whistle to Roar by Katy Perry!
Bullying is for Bozos!
What a wonderful surprise! My best friend is now being bullied by selfish airheads! Boy, let's all eat cake!
Hey, everyone, these are what bullies are:
- Oxes with hygiene issues
- Ugly ripped stuffed bears
- Cheddar cheese that's been tossed in the sink
- Zit Cream
Which is a mix of a socially challenged stuffed ox with an eye plucked out who survives on moldy cheese and zit lotion!
Wouldn't you want to be one of these beasts!?
I hope you all agree!
Candle Ornament
Hi Jammers! This morning I woke up with a frustrating hair problem, and I looked like a disco man. o.o Well, anyway, the returning item today is the nice Candle Ornament!
It arrived early for the winter season rising. ^.^
Speaking of winter, I'm thinking of editing the blog for it's December look and music.
Also, maybe a mailtime....I'll put up a poll on that. :)
Oh, and one more thing-I officially quit the Portraits because it's too muck work and I sadly cannot have you guys send me in your portraits because I use my mom's email, and I don't have one. If I did I wouldn't be able to reply to any emails, except for the ones from my friends I know in real life.
Yeah, sorry about that....
Well, time to get going on the blog. Bye!

Monday, November 25, 2013
Self Portraits....
I deleted the Self Portraits tab because it's a lot of work to do all those drawings when most of the time people aren't the animal they chose for a portrait. Besides, drawing wolves is really hard, and they usually turn out hideous. >.< (my opinion)
Rare Faerie Wings and a Weird Dream
Hi Jammers! Sorry for waking up a bit late. Hey, it's Fall Break for me! No school for an entire week! Do any of you guys have this week off as well?
Anyway, today's Rare Item Monday, and the RIM today is a pair of Rare Faerie Wings!
Anyway, today's Rare Item Monday, and the RIM today is a pair of Rare Faerie Wings!
I feel like I haven't posted a RIM in weeks. o.o
Here's a funny picture I snapped at the new party:
The question is, how did she get up in the air? She's a reindeer! Or maybe she's secretly one of Santa's reindeer....
It's almost THANKSGIVING! My uncle slaughtered a 35 pound turkey for us to eat. Yum!
Oh, who wants to read my dream last night?
I had a dream my entire class took a fieldtrip to Africa. We had to WALK all the way from the U.S.A, sail across the Arctic Ocean, spend lunch in France, and walk the rest of the way. Surprisingly it only took us a day. O.O
When we got to the Arctic Ocean, a legend on a billboard told us about a mythical sea monster in the shape of a monkey, who flashes humongous waves at trespassers. We ignored the sign and continued to put together a sailboat. I jumped into the water and a ginormous wave slammed on our island, but a fresh, new boat was in the place of our drab boat we were building.
So....then we sailed off, and we walked, and walked, and walked until we finally reached Kenya. That was when I realized I had forgotten my camera.
I woke up, so The End!
And The End for this post. Bye bye!

Saturday, November 23, 2013
Pet HDTV and Deer Photos
Hi Jammers! Sorry for the later post. I wanted to get into the party, so thank goodness it only was 20 minutes away. Anyway, the new item is clearly in the new party, and it's a Pet HDTV, which can be found at the Secret Shop for flying pets!
Notice how the featured color is the same color as the Rare HDTV!
Huh. I guess there's nothing else to talk about.
Well, I could show you a few deer pictures that I took! For, you know, the new deer coming soon to Jamaa.
Deer are such fascinating animals.
If you want to see more pictures, visit here.
Well, that's all for now! Bye bye!

I'll post in about 20 minutes.
The new item is at the new party, and luckily it's only 20 minutes away! I'll just post then. Thanks for waiting!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Rawrg! I'm frustrated at the moment because AJ is too full. STOP PLAYING ANIMAL JAM, PEOPLE! :P
Pet Lawn Chair
Hello Jammers! I hope you're all liking the new update. Today's new item is unfortunately in the Play-As-Your-Pet party, so this screenshot will not be mine. It's borrowed from the Animal Jam Sky Blog.
Anyway, the new item is a Pet Wooden Lawn Chair!
Anyway, the new item is a Pet Wooden Lawn Chair!

They're very tiny!
Also, yesterday I noticed that we get 4 more animal slots! Whoo-hoo!
I wish that Non-Members would have at least 2 more slots, if Members have 26 or 28 slots, right?
Oh, yeah, and a shout out for numnum13! She's very nice. :)
Well, that's all for today, Jammers. Happy Jamming and Whipping! :)

Thursday, November 21, 2013
Party Time for Pets! ^.^
Hey Jammers! Today's update day, and I was expecting the new deer to arrive for some reason. :I But, luckily we have a few GREAT new things to talk about this week! (Pictures borrowed for Animal Jam Sky Blog.

There's an all-new party when you can be your pet! It's sorta like the Pets Only Party, except you ARE the pets! :D

This is the new party's music. I wonder what it sounds like!

This is the Den Shop. Aww, look, mini adorable furniture items for pets! ^.^

This is the Secret Den Shop, available for flying pets (bats, owls, butterflies) only.

Cool! Now Memberships come with a free set of beautiful and heroic Ice Armor!

Yep, we were right-DEER are coming to Jamaa! Not caribou. Also, there's a fun new cartoon, advertising the Adventures.

Yay! I love the Jamaalidays! It's my favorite time of year in Jamaa. Oh, and don't forget to stock up on gems, because you only have 2 more weeks before all games go back to regular!

I'm pretty excited for this! I'm currently addicted to Tunnel Town, though. :P
And here's today's lovely returning item:
The Turkey Hat. ^3^
As a last little side note:
Seriously, WHO taught everyone this!? And WHY!?
It's been driving me NUTS! Yesterday I was teased for standing up for the true meaning of Beta. -.-
Listen everyone, an item that was sold during Beta Testing and is now not available in stores is BETA. Not items that are removed from stores.
A Beta item is classified as a higher rank in rarity because it NEVER RETURNED.
Headdresses aren't Beta.
Arctic Hoods aren't Beta.
Worns aren't Beta.
Elf Tail Armors that aren't available in the Diamond Shop AREN'T BETA, because the Elf Tail Armors were given as a MMG (Monthly Member Gift) for March 2012!
And if you hear people say they joined in 2010 or less, then they're LYING because AJ didn't even EXIST!
And Rare Spiked Collars and Wristbands ARE BETA, because they were given as an MMG in August 2011 (when I joined, still during Beta, because Beta started in 2010 and ended in 2011), but they AREN'T RARE ENOUGH FOR A CLAW OR A DRAGON/MUMMY/LAVA GLOVE! BECAUSE THOSE WERE GIVEN OUT BEFORE THE SPIKES, THUS MAKING THESE GLOVES AND CLAWS RARER THAN THESE SPIKES!
No offense, it's true. >.<
Okay, well, bye bye for now!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Happy Birthday, partyanimalzz!
It's my real life BFF partyanimalzz's BIRTHDAY TODAY! Everyone wish her a happy birthday! :D
The Story
Okay, so I promised I'd tell you the story of how my blog disappeared. Here it is:
I was checking through a few things, and accidentally pressed a few buttons which automatically LOCKED all my blogs and Blogger account. I had 30 days to regain my Blogger account, and if I didn't within that time period, all my blogs would be gone forever.
Well, now it's fixed! And I can start posting again tomorrow. In the meantime that I've been gone, I found a few special graphics that I don't think anyone has found before! ^.^
So, get your Whip on!
I was checking through a few things, and accidentally pressed a few buttons which automatically LOCKED all my blogs and Blogger account. I had 30 days to regain my Blogger account, and if I didn't within that time period, all my blogs would be gone forever.
Well, now it's fixed! And I can start posting again tomorrow. In the meantime that I've been gone, I found a few special graphics that I don't think anyone has found before! ^.^
So, get your Whip on!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Hi Jammers! I'm sorry for the lack of regular posting. I'll try to get a better sleep, set an alarm for 6:25 am, and go to bed earlier. Anyway, today's quaint fall item is returning from last year-the Acorn Tea Set!
It's a perfect item for any den!
Speaking of acorns, here's a fun fall treat to bake in spare time. ^.^
Enjoy a delicious acorn! :P
Here's another graphic for you guys to use:
And...that's all for today! Bye bye!

Thursday, November 14, 2013
I'm Back! :)
I have returned from my break! I'm very angry with the teachers and my school extending the date of my project to January. >:I Oh, well. I got a head start at least.
Today's new item is the Fisherman's Cape! Actually, I think it's a returning item.
Today's new item is the Fisherman's Cape! Actually, I think it's a returning item.
Interesting. I'm not a fan of it. It looks like one of those fisherman nets they use to scoop out animals and fish who live in the sea. :(
I also figured out how to find GRAPHICS!! :D The graphics page has been updated with FUN and NEW graphics that I found from scratch! Go ahead and use them for whatever reasons. :3
Do you guys want me to post how you can collect your own graphics in the future?
Oh, and I make Webkinz graphics as well. ^.^
Here's a few of them:
These soon will be added to the graphics page!
The first one is a background you can use for blogs, backgrounds, etc.
Oh, and finally-the contest winners! Due to my quit, the contest has had a little delay. RainbowCat1 has been crowned first place, so now it's a tie between numnum13, ilovemyfamily153666, and RockyTop2 for the second place. I'll put up a poll, and it will end tomorrow!
Oh, and Rainbow, I'll send you your prizes from a storage account.
That's all there really is to talk about today.
Bye bye!

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