Hi Jammers! This morning I woke up but fell back asleep. I guess today I wasn't exactly the morning person I always am, since I started swim team again.... >.<
Today's returning item is the classic snowman. :3
Today's returning item is the classic snowman. :3
Cute! Someone could make a den covered in snowmen if they wanted.
Because of my limited time for posting today, let me talk about snowyclaw.
Snowyclaw, well, erm, mentioned in one of her posts a while ago that some of her items had gone "missing".
She didn't want to bring up the fact that she was hacked on her light purple gazelles, the only pair of the light purple gazelles in Jamaa.
Now, MythCat2907 pointed out on the AJ Rare Item Handbook there was another Jammer with these ultra-rare lavender gazelles:
My other friend skydrain7 posted on his blog, Animal Jam Nations, that ktinvt hacked snowyclaw.
This must be true, if Mythy said there was a video on YouTube about another person with snowy's gazelles.
See, these are the consequences of becoming famous. You get hacked and lose all your rares.
You become famous for bringing peace to Jamaa, with 0 rares used.
That way nobody has a reason to get into your account.
We haven't seen any Jamaa peacemakers yet, because trading is all the rage these days.
What will we do?

I know that snowyclaw had a petition on her blog, and many believe that it prompted AJHQ to make adventures. I can't think of anything else to say... Xl
ReplyDeleteWhat can we do about all this rare nonsense? I don't know. My friend, puck1608, tried telling people that rares aren't what makes you rare. That didn't work. I suppose maybe if some expert hacker hacked every single jammer of all their rares, and then AJHQ banned the hacker, that might solve the problem. XP But that is NOT going to happen.
ReplyDeleteKnivit is a NM so she can't wear the light purple gazelles. But she does have snowyclaw's nm rares. I wish scamming and hacking could end.
ReplyDeleteMe too. But Mythy said that her ktinvt's inventory was in a video... or something was in a video. Idk.
DeleteYep. I was bored, I watched this vid from Julian2, and I clicked on an AJMV on the suggested vids. Unfortunaltely it didn't work on my iPod, and this vid caught my attention: Top Ten Rarest Items and Jammers. I wanted to know other ppl's opinions, and then the girl who made the vid went to lavender gazzelles, and she showed the player card of ktinvt as a member... She was a white cheetah wearing the Gazzelles and a short Collar... I was suspicious that she hacked Snowy, but I didn't say anything and just commented on the Handbook about her gazzelles. So... Who knows? Maybe she doesn't have them anymore...!
Oh and Apology (Declarants) owns an orange beard, IDK if he still has it.