Hi Jammers! I finally woke up this morning to post, with a stuffy nose and a spinning head. >.<
Today is update day! Yay! I wonder what updates we'll see. :D
Today's new item that is super epic for all Jammers is the AJ Wristband!
Today is update day! Yay! I wonder what updates we'll see. :D
Today's new item that is super epic for all Jammers is the AJ Wristband!
It's cool. ^.^
On to the Jamaa Journal now. Here is the welcoming page:
Awesome! I love owls. :) My favorite owl is the Spotted Owl. How about you?
And.... the Snow Fort den is back! I enjoy this den a lot. XD I better be prepared with snowballs for when I get visitors... >:D
Okay, the Greely Inferno Hard Mode is great! But the thing with the ice armor coming BACK? o.o
People PAID for Memberships JUST to get that armor. And when AJHQ told us they were going to ONLY be given during DECEMBER, some ding-dong decided to put our money down the drain and throw the ice armor everywhere.
Yes, it's a good way to give people a chance to get ice armor if they couldn't before. But don't you see that the ice armor is all MEMBER-ONLY?
AJHQ scammed us. Yes, you can call AJHQ scammers. >.<
I'm not all that upset that I'd pick up a chair and throw it out the window. That would be silly. AJ is just a game. But money isn't.
Oh, well....
Another blah about the owls, but take a peek at that amazing feather!
I wonder what it means. Some blogs think it's a new animal, most likely.... eagles?
I wonder what eagles would look like in Jamaa! AJHQ (-.-) should make some skies for birds to roam. Also of course eagles should be Non-Member.
What are your thoughts about today's update?
Comment them below. C:
See ya!

airlec02 has been suspecting ice armor in stores. -.-
ReplyDeleteThings I have to say about this:
2. EAGLES!!!!!
5. Ice armor. poo.
Ice armor is in stores!?!
ReplyDeleteI traded a freedom helmet and a black shark fin for the whole set!!! Nooooooooo
No wayyyyyyyy
ReplyDeleteHappy jamming!
Oh, well. I don't really care that much about the ice armor, as it is pretty ugly. Although that ice necklace looks rather nice on my bunny...:)
ReplyDeleteok umm ajhq did not scam us, no offense, but I do understand money is a real, everyone-wanted thing. AJ, however, is a game like you said. so why are other people complaining because they all got "scammed"? I lose my membership in 10 days, just a heads up, but anyway my mom who plays aj traded hmm lets see..... about 6-8 different rares for two sets of ice armor for me and my sis. so yea, plus her membership expired and she doesn't play anymore. She thinks nms are kinda stupid. I don't blame her. besides, aj did kind of in a way scam us, but no reason to make a fuss. :)
Did you just say you don't blame your mom for thinking NMs are stupid? Uhh, hello? Knock knock? Is Fam in there? Cause the Fam I know CARES for every Jammer and believes in peace. Is this some kind of prank you're pulling on me?
DeleteIf it isn't, I suggest you go buy a new attitude instead of a whale's. Sorry if this sounds mean, but, it was really rude to say that if you meant it. If you didn't, good.
Let me explain. Um, yeah, I'm not dumb, I KNOW that SBI is a business that must run, but they said the ice armor would never return. It was supposed to be an event basically! And even the NMs can't get them, even though they're available for the people who didn't purchase a Membership during December.
So in a way they DID scam us. They promised something to us and broke it. It's not a big, foul protest, but it's still something we should consider.
-a very chewy nafaria9 :3
On the nm part I ment that I don't blame her because nms don't get much and I FEEL BAD FOR THEM..... :sniff: my friends are falling apart all of the sudden.. is it me? am I the 1 putting my friends down? my BFF in RL moved to a different school and I don't see ANY of my friends except for 1..... Me and pup got into a fight the other day but we kinda made up.... party felt betrayed, and now I forgot to put extra stuff in my comment and just cuz of that..... sighs oh forget it. for now, I am almost 13... so AJ is kinda boring to me, BUT I WILL NEVER QUIT.... :) and I know that aj made a promise, but promises can be broken sometimes. Oh and I forgot, *goes to store and sees happy attitude and buys it for a dollar.* YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA
Deleteanyway, I never said you were dumb... like I would EVER say that, especially to you! And I do care for everyone, its just AJ's not my thing anymore. i'm more into other things now... im sorry nafi, I never ment to hurt anyones feelings... I said it wrong because I tried to hurry because I was going to bed and I was trying to hurry. sorry nafi, air, edwing, pup, party, wolfie, pugz, and everyone else....
I'm sorry if my comment was selfish and cruel. All things bad are happening to me right now, this week, this month. My year hasn't been a great start. In fact I think my AJ buddies are much better than SOOOME of my friends in real life. (not party-she's the best!)
DeleteAll kinds of bad things are happening to me too. And your comment kind of upset me just a bit, but im alright....
I agree with you, Naffy Taffy! Though, I cannot explain my comment very well right now. If you ask "why?", it's because I just woke up... o.0
ReplyDeleteOh and I accidentaly but purposely said in a comment that my comment was quite too late... I'm SO sorry about that
... I lost time :-(
And I don't usually check the date when the comment was created-- oh, well! And I'm sorry I got too off-topic.