Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Animal Jam History: The Leap Year Party

Hullo! :B

Today's topic is a bit of Animal Jam History I find very interesting . . . the Leap Year Party!

The Leap Year Party is a party that comes around only during Leap Year. Leap Year is a year with 366 days instead of the normal 365 days. Leap Year occurs every four years. The last Leap Year was in 2012, and the next Leap Year will be in 2016. It's a long wait, folks! ^p^

At the Leap Year Party, you could purchase lots of cool items:

Yep! All of these items (which most of you see today) came from this party. They aren't "Beta" like everyone says they are. It's possible these items will return in 2016.

Another neat feature about the Leap Year Party is that it came with a unique Claw Machine.

You could win lion plushies from the Claw! I remember a lot of people going crazy for them. I can see why -  they're so cute!

Anyway, I hope you liked taking a little blast to the past (2012 xD). I'll see you at the Leap Year Party next year!


  1. Can't wait for the leap year party!
    It's the only animal jam party that happens on mah b-day :o

  2. I can't wait! Also doesn't leap year happen every 3 years?

  3. The Beta Party Jamaa Journal: AMG WHY ISH BATA PARTU NU ON!?!? FUNDER HUTS R THARE AMG!?!?!!?

  4. NAFFY? Why haven't u answers my latest email?

    1. I haven't checked my email yet. I will sometime today though.

  5. And I've never seen that fence before

  6. Why does it have to be so far away?! :( XD

  7. Leap Year also occurs every year that there's a Summer Olympics. Such as 2012, 2016.... Summer.. Every 4 years.. Yeah. ^.^

  8. I always wanted to see what the Leap Year party was like. Can't wait to see it next year!

  9. Why are snow elopes going beta? Oh well ;glum face: Can't wait till leap years! and that horse zodiac? I am the Rooster, i don't have to tel you the year because it's the one most likely LOL that photo you took of the horse was on CS (chicken smoothie,) lol i could just tell :P

  10. wait if the rumors are true about aj going down next year then we wont get leap year party :( now i REALY hope those rumors arent true!

    1. The rumors are not true. AJHQ doesn't plan to shut down ever. Plus, its 2016 now, it hasn;t shut down :)


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