Saturday, November 29, 2014

Great Party!

The party was very fun! We missed those who couldn't make it, but we enjoyed the time spent with the people who managed to come. Heh, we were all so hungry there wasn't a crumb left on the dessert table!


  1. I completely forgot about the party... ARGH


  2. I couldn't make it because the starting time was way out of my "awake-range"

    I got a buddy request from that doublevision guy, is he a hacker or something?

    1. im sorry i could now make it i had to go christmas tree shoping and it not easy to find a christmas tree O,O

  3. fuzzhead Peace, Love, and UNICORNS!!November 29, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    It was fun :D

  4. I couldn't go because i was on my trip :(

  5. Xd it was fun! You captured two my sentences xdd

  6. I'm sorry I was busy and my mom was using her laptop:(

  7. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it! I was so busy because I had to go shopping, AGAIN! My mom forced me to go with her to look at clothes when I already had a bunch. I begged my mom to drive me home but she said "NOT YET! We're not done yet!" URGH! (We went shopping really early, by the way.)



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