Wednesday, October 2, 2013


SERIOUSLY!? If anyone spots any swear/bad comments on this blog, please notify me. There have been a few rude comments, and I'm sick of it. Get off the blog, or stay and be NICE and read the RULES! I appreciate all of you who use kind language and speak in a nice manner. If this is Bloody Raven causing the mayhem, GET OFF THE BLOG!!!!!!!!!



  1. yah! seriously people be nice! remember the golden rule: TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. so you rude commenters if u had a blog and someone commented like that would you like it? NO! so don't do it to someone else.-cyacheer

  2. Uh oh. Mean comments. -.-

  3. Everyone needs to be nice... Seriously! I don't get people sometimes. I have had the same problem. - xXRobinHoodXx

  4. whos bloddy raven?

    1. A person who thinks he/she is HoloTheWolf, who used to be a major Clanner. :I

    2. bloody was not holo, just an impersonator


Before you make a comment, please consider using these rules. If any of them are disobeyed, your comment will be deleted immediately.

1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
2. No rude/hateful/inappropriate/consistently negative or degrading comments. Even if it's just your opinion, anything unkind you say can be very hurtful.
3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
4. No impersonating.
5. If you are commenting anonymously, please sign with your main username.
