Hi Jammers! Today's new item is some Clover Tubes, found in Sunken Treasures.
I'm so happy they are NM! And they look like they make great decorations for underwater dens.
Anyway, I found out something new yesterday while taking a peek at the DE.
See, yesterday's post about the RIM was one of a kind.
Anyway, I found out something new yesterday while taking a peek at the DE.
See, yesterday's post about the RIM was one of a kind.
On the header of the post, it said:
RIM- Rare Damask Blanket
I was like, O.O at the "Damask". Since when have I heard that before?
I searched it up online and found some images of these small, lush blankets that seem so comfy. :3
The designs are cool! And when they're wrapped up, they look like the towels you get at hotel pools or cruises. Ya know, all fancy shmancy ;)
Now I know what the Blanket item was made after! The tiny, cute DAMASK BLANKETS! X3
That's all for today! Adios!