
Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Sweet Chair Promo Item

Hello Jammers! :) The other day, a AJ YouTuber named Shopking (or Theshopking) uploaded a video on a brand new promo item that was recently discovered.

Several weeks ago, I posted about a few promo items from the Sweet Magazine, a children's toy magazine that is currently only available in the UK from my understanding. One item is a sweet poster, and the other is a sweet couch.

I'm sure by the context of the brief summary of that post I just gave, and by looking at the title, you can probably guess what this promo item is going to be. That's right, it's a sweet chair!

(picture taken from Shopking's video)

It's pretty cute! It basically just looks like someone sliced the couch into three equal parts and the chair is one of them. I believe the legs are popsicle sticks, and the base and head are some sort of frosting-covered pastry, with a dollop of whipped cream as a cushion. Very sweet, if you ask me. :P

What do you guys think about this item?

Thanks for reading! Goodbye!


  1. Mmmmmmm................... Looks delicious............ -Licks lips- :P


  2. Yay, I'm in the UK!
    I saw this magazine for sale in my local shop.
    But honestly, I'm not prepared to pay £5 ($6.40) for a girls magazine that I will never read, and get just for the code.

    Oh, by the way, I love the new layout

    1. Agreed. If I ever bought that magazine, I would just get it for the codes, and $6.40 is a little too pricey in my eyes.

    2. I agree too! But I'm in Portugal, so I'll doubt they'll sell it here

    3. Ooh... Portugal? That's a cool place to live.

    4. Not cool, hot. Lol, I get what you mean though

    5. Ahaha, I understand now. LOL!

  3. It's actually super cute! I still prefer the cookies though from St. Patrick's day. This chair always reminds of shopkins

  4. I love your new header and blog template too!

  5. Nice template ^.^ -akmlynx

  6. The interview was successful! You can expect it uploaded on my youtube channel goldenpotato999 by tonight, hopefully.

  7. Btw can y'all subscribe?

  8. OMG!!!!1!!1!!!1! MUST HAVE! TOO CUUUUUUUUUUTE! KAWAII LEVEL: 100000000000000000000000000000000000


  9. The sweet chair is actually pretty cute :)

  10. #WhenyoumissedBepper'slivestreambyanhour

    1. #WhenYourCallingYourBFFAndTheyPretendToBeSomeCreepThatStoleThierPhone. I recongnise you stupid Russian accent, ok?!

      Henrythegreat4~ can't be bothered to sign in

    2. #TheDefinitionOfMyFriends -akmlynx :D

    3. #WhenUrLateByThreeDays


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