
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Secret and Unreleased Items in Crystal Palace Den

Hello there, Jammers! ^-^ I'm Nafaria, and you're reading the Animal Jam Whip blog. Hehe, I sound like one of those people who say ''you're watching Disney Channel''. :P

Anyways, today I am going to be showing you guys some cool, possibly unreleased items in AJHQ's custom-designed Crystal Palace den. If you're unfamiliar with these kinds of posts, basically about every update AJHQ designs a den for all Jammers to visit. You can access these dens from the Epic Dens menu. It's a big blue button; you can't miss it!

In these dens, sometimes you might find a few items that aren't released yet. These are what we call unreleased items. Often times there will also be one special item that, when clicked, will open up a secret shop where you can actually purchase that item for your own. Cool, right?

Without further ado, let's begin taking a look at the cool items we can find.

First up, we have the secret item! It's a blue antique couch on the second floor of the palace. Click on it, and this shop will open up. Purchase your very own couch for 950 gems!

Here is an item we saw last time - a recolored version of the famous baby palm tree.

Sitting atop a tiki umbrella table is a lynx minibook. I wonder if we'll ever be able to buy the minibooks and place them in our dens.

Now these trees are pretty awesome. The fruits on them actually start out small, and gradually grow larger, just like IRL fruit trees!

Finally, this little excavation station can be found in the cave of the den. To my understanding, this item hasn't been released yet, but I could be wrong. Correct me, somebody! >.<

So, what do you guys think of these items? Personally, my favorite is the fruit trees. I think they would make great outdoor decoration for our dens.

Thanks for reading! Happy jamming!


  1. I feel like I've seen all those items before somewhereXD

  2. The lynx minibook is a promo

  3. The tent was released I'm pretty sure. It was with the excavation set. I feel like Ajs den store items have been, well, a bit strange


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