
Sunday, April 10, 2016

New Jammer Security Check

Hallo! :P

Did you know that if you enter a password incorrectly a certain number of times, a pop-up will appear on your screen? This pop-up is a Jammer Security Check. I believe this is to prove that you are not some kind of hacker bot or whatever. Here's what it looks like:

It's pretty self-explanatory. All you need to do is drag one of the four images to the image on the right, but they must match up. For example, in the screenshot above, the image on the right is a puzzle, so the image you must drag is the missing puzzle piece. Get it? :)

That's it for today. Bye!


  1. Replies
    1. Its not cool. I mean if someone gets a account or trying to give it membership and this happens wow?

  2. Im just wondering, WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET THE SECURITY CHECK WRONG!?!? Lol. I also have a blog :)

    1. The account that you're trying to log in/hack will temporarily be locked.

  3. That's cool, even though I won't experience it! Maybe, though.

  4. Honestly, I put the right piece, into the right picture, and guess what? It doesn't work...

    1. Same. Like what the heck! I don't understand!

    2. Oh god same! Someone gave me a member account and this happend to me what on earth???? Someone explain?

    3. OMFG same! i got a membership account from someone and I PUT IN THE RIGHT FRIKIN'THING but it DOES NOT WORK!!!!!!! >:(

    4. Yeah. They should really test that stuff before they actually put it in the site.

    5. Same here, it doesn't work for me either.

  5. I hate this update so much, how is this supposed to help anything? The answers are all so obvious! And what if the only reason that you get the password wrong is that you forgot it? Animal jam doesn't give a crap!

  6. i know this update was in 2016 or something- but i tried logging into my old account. but when i put the right image into the right thing- it wouldnt let me in.
    honestly, i dont know if i should be mad or not.

  7. You put in the right image and it still doesnt work. Like am i supposed to put the wrong image?

  8. It doesn’t work they could have tested it first.


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