
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Birthday Party 2016 Pictures!

Thank you guys so much for coming, even though I had some issues with my main account. ^.^ Hopefully these extremely annoying problems I am currently facing will be resolved in good time!


  1. Wait what time was the party at? I was really wanting to go but I literally just woke up (11am PST). Dang I was hoping to actually make it to this one!

    1. It was at 10:00 AM MST (Mountain Standard Time).

    2. Aww I woke up at 1 AM ( It's the weekend, I'm sleeping in!) So I missed it! D:

  2. Aww man I missed your party. I was stuck in the hospital:( Oh well, maybe next time...

    1. I had surgery because I got appendicitis.

    2. :O That's awful! I'm so sorry! Did the surgery go well? Are you recovering? I hope all is fine!

    3. It wasn't too bad. If i hadn't had surgery when I did, things would have been a lot worse. I'm recovering now and everything looks like it's going to be alright.

  3. What was the uk time? I probably could've been thee DX

  4. Noo! I didn't see your post saying your doing it on your storage account! I missed the party BECAUSE I SPENT 30 MINUTES HANGING AROUND YOUR DEN HOPING FOR A MIRACLE! Oh well.. at least there is next time :3

  5. That was a fun party! Even though I was on brb for half of the time XD

  6. IT WAS TODAY!? NOOO I MISSED IT AGAIN!!!!! I'm so sorry I didn't come, I forgot!!!! I'll send u a b-day gift thou!

  7. I wish I could have come but I was volunteering :( Happy Vday though! I mean Bday XD

  8. oh no! i forgot to go! I'm so sorry! -Pine

  9. Sorry I missed it! Hope you guys had fun!:)

  10. Sorry I couldn't go! I had to go to a baby shower.


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