
Tuesday, September 23, 2014



I didn't even do anything wrong! Grr...

How come AJHQ suspends the wrong people? And how come they give you warnings for the dumbest reasons?

Take this experience for an example.

Not too long ago, I was talking with my buddy partyanimalzz on AJ, and I was telling her about my new school and all that stuff. When I tried to answer one of her questions (which was if I made any more friends) I got a BULLYING warning. WHY THE POO WOULD AJHQ GIVE ME A WARNING FOR POLITELY ANSWERING SOMEONE'S QUESTION!?

At least I didn't even INTEND to bully... o.o

Admit it. Smart Bomb has some pretty stupid moderators, and a horrible firewall system.

Hopefully my account will be back to normal within a day or two. Besides, I don't really have any time to play AJ this week. Today I have to babysit my little sister and her friend, go to my tennis lesson, and complete some very difficult homework.

I could rant on and on about my homework assignments- especially in math. Sheesh!

How the poo am I gonna finish this stuff? Do they expect me to NOT worry about extra-curricular activities? Do they just think I'm going to be done with my homework at the speed of light?

If so, they're beyond nuts.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic...

Oh yeah. Have a terrific Tuesday, 'cause I know I'm not. >8U


  1. That's exactly what ALWAYS happens too me (the part where you get suspended and the warnings)!!! :( I feel you..

  2. Not too long ago I made a post about how horrible AJ's chat system is and I think I mentioned that I got banned for saying that I quit but spelled badly ("i kwit" I think it was)
    AJ really needs to fix that...

  3. I was recently suspended while offline too.

    I've been suspended three times:

    1. Typing random letters- apparently inappropriate behavior
    2. Suspended offline- unknown reason
    3. Typing random letters- didn't state why it thought I should be inappropriate

    AJHQ should really fix their autobans. :/

  4. That happened to me once! I couldn't get on as I was suspended for no reason! I couldn't get on for 3DAYS!!!! I almost died. I feel so sorry for you naffy!!!!!

  5. Sounds annoying! I have so much home work, and I can barely finish it, and I don't even have anything after school right now ;(

  6. naff what would you do is it is susspended for life what would happen? and i bet tacocat101 did this

    1. Naw, if he did he would've hacked me. It was probably AJHQ... mistakes happen a lot around there. DX

      Oh, and Fam down there--

      Yeah, homework stinks. I get at least 20 super big math problems daily, which take me a maximum of 3 hours... >.<

      And the guy who sits next to me immediately takes out his calculator and basically cheats on the whole assignment. e.e

      One more thing: it's either I'm behind in math, or my math teacher is crazy. He doesn't even teach us half the stuff on the paper!

    2. O,O crazy teachers!

    3. So, you're saying that using a calculator is cheating? Maybe Utah hasn't adopted the Common Core, or something, but using your calculator in NY is pretty much a daily thing that you can use on any problem, as long you know why what you are doing works. >.<

  7. SORRY BOUT UR ACCOUNT woah sorry for caps, i didn't know that was on XD
    yeah, i got banned once too lol for no reason

  8. Aww, naffy! I hope you can get back on soon!!!!! And i'v had insane amounts of homework so far this week. And its only Tuesday!!! grrrrrrr. only goot part about today was I got to see my rl bff on aj!! ^^
    -your friendly animal jammer friend, fam :3

  9. Oh yeah, have I told you how much AJHQ annoys me? Remember several months ago when my account malfunctioned somehow and got locked? Well, when I first emailed AJHQ to ask them to un-lock my account and let me change the password, they thought I was trying to hack into somebody's account. (Why would I do it, and if I wanted too I have a much faster and efficient way) So they asked for a bunch of information, and I answered all of it. Then they asked for me to call them to give proof. I told them that my parents would not prefer me to talk on the phone with them. And guess what they answered me with? The same email! They asked me to call them, and I already said I couldn't! I emailed them again and literally begged them to un-lock my account. They FINALLY did. And also, do you know why it is easy to hack Animal Jam? Because their firewalls are terrible. They are worse than any average firewall! My dad explained it to me, and now that I understand it, I know that Animal Jam probably has the worse firewalls ever! They are easy to hack. :T

  10. Actually I just remembered something that might be important - one day I randomly got a suspension email on a random day that I didn't even play AJ on, and when I went on the next day I found out I was hacked... Hope that wasn't what happened here

  11. #neverbeensuspended
    its weird, been on aj since beta and never been suspended woo
    poor naffy taffy. I saw you online when i got home from school last week, but when i went to your den, you said 'g2g' and vanished o3o
    i will keep an eye on nafaria9.
    if you are banned forever, im going to call aj 100000000000000000000000000 times and ask them to unban :p
    ok ill shut up now :333

  12. Aww NAFFY I hope they U suspend you!!

  13. They have horrible filters.

    I'm not allowed to say no in my mother tongue informally with the simplest spelling.


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