
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I checked again today and my account is still suspended. Hopefully something doesn't go as far as being hacked...

And If I'm hacked, buddy me on Luma9...

I guess I can check again after school today. It's PTC so I get out around lunch time. :D


  1. I think you might have been hacked. If the hacker gets into your account and says something inappropiate, you will be banned. A lot of hackers do this after they hack you to give them some time to think what to do to your account and to get you to think that you were just banned, not hacked. I really hope you didn't get hacked. If you did get hacked, I have a feeling who it is...

  2. Luma9. Okie. Only if hacked. Okie.

  3. I'll buddy you and check what's going on by Saturday or Friday.


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