
Friday, September 12, 2014

New Contest

For 850+ posts, there's a new mini-raffle on the contest blog. :)


  1. Yay, a mini-raffle contest! :D Oh, and are Crunchy and Tacocat the same person? I was confused in you den. Tacocat said that he was Crunchy. And the commenter 'Mr. Crunchy'. Is 'Mr. Crunchy' Tacocat? Or is he Crunchy? I'm confused. So Crunchy is your friend? So he's a good guy?
    -a very confused ca1412

    1. Crunchy and Tacocat aren't the same person- just very good friends. Mr. Crunchy is Crunchy. And yeah, Crunchy is considered a friend of mine as well. ^.^

  2. i found one of those new fake adds for aj on chicken smoothie you carector is not a pet!


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