
Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Dream Come True

Did you know one of my life goals was to see the Northern Lights?

Well, partyanimalzz informed me of a rare display in the midnight skies TOMORROW NIGHT! Erm, morning!

This is the chart for the best visibility of the lights. I'm in the good zone, I'm in the good zone! *happily chants*

I am so excited for this rare occasion. This will be spectacular! :D

Remember, if you're somewhere in this chart, the showcase will be right after night falls, but the best timing is around midnight. This applies for ALL TIME ZONES!

The good thing is it's on a weekend night, so that means I can sleep in the next day. ^-^

Oh, geez, I cannot tell you HOW EXCITED I am for this solar flare!

I wonder what colors the auroras will be...

Anyway, bye!


  1. Wow, this is just...epic! This is the once in-a-lifetime epic chance! I've seen Northern Lights in movies before, but never in real life! My mom says her dream in her whole life was to see the Northern Lights! I'm in the good zone too! :3 I'm really excited! :D

  2. Tomorrow as in today or tomorrow as in yesterday? I really want to see this too

    1. Today, Friday, September 12th, 2014 at 10:00 PM through 12:00 AM. That's the best of my knowledge. I'm super excited to see what they look like, and what you guys think of them!

  3. Aww man.. I live in the not visible zone :'(

  4. your lucky im not part of it :b

  5. I'm in the poor section.. I live in New Jersey. >:C

    Anyway, congrats!

    1. :O I live in NJ too! X3

      Anywho, that must be a spectacular scene to see if you can see the Northern Lights. Must be colorful. *o*

      So um yeah. ;•)

  6. Awwww I'm not in a good zone! :( take some pics for me naffy!

    1. I'll take some pictures and immediately post them!

    2. Aww, Naffy! You're SO lucky! I wish I lives where I used to live, because that's where the it says on the map that it's good. Where I live now, apparently it's not visible there! :(
      But I can't wait to see the pictures you take. The Aurora Borealis looks so cool in pics. Wish I could see it on person...

  7. Well i never get to see anything beautiful XD not visible :c Take some pictures if you can!

  8. NO!

    I don't think I get many rare sight seeing here, but it's a pretty interesting country.

    Aurora Borealis are often is cold climates due to something in the air (I did read about it once) and they're often in green, blue, pink-red-purple and so.

    Have fun!

    P.S. Don't forget that Aurora Borealis is not solid. It might take time to get a good shot (like, I can't take pictures of stars! Why's that? Focus, focus, blah!). Don't hurry and try to relax, no matter how excited you are.

    Well, depends on how good you handle your camera.

    P.S. Utah, Utah, Utah! So lucky! AJ Camp there, now Northern Lights?

    1. Yup. Good thing I'm in the northern part of Utah. :)

  9. Please take pictures because I'm in the not visible zone >.< Lucky Nafi!


  10. I'm in the fair zone, I told my sister about this and she said that she'd stay up with me. I'm so exited!


  11. Omg Naffy, I'm so happy for you! If only I could see them. THEY ARE RIGHT ABOVE ME. lol. Well, I hope you enjoy them. I bet they are beautiful.



  12. umm... :-( naffy could you please tell is asia in bad condition i really am not good in these weather conditions...

    1. This sighting will only occur in the United States. I'm sorry! I'll take pictures with every camera we have!

    2. whoa!! in the united states:-D im so happy! it might not be were i live but someone close to me lives there:-)

  13. i live in v.a ):O why not maryland ):,O

  14. Cool! Also, my time is EST which part am I in? I want to see them too!

    1. Just as night falls! The lights will probably be moving from the eastern side of the US and Canada to the western side, so I'll see it two hours later after you. Best time is midnight.

  15. And I'm in new york.

  16. It's on the online news, and my teacher in school told me about it today. I am so excited! :D

  17. Im in the poor :( . I might see it faintly though!

  18. ugh i live in belgium
    lucky u tho
    i dont feel like using proper hrammar anymore


    1. mhm
      ugh i live in uk just ugh
      why is life so difficult ;(

  19. ♥♡fuzzhead Peace, Love, and UNICORNS!!♥♡September 12, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    I live in the not visible zone :T
    (Texas y chu du dis?!?!)
    Plz take pictures and post 'em

  20. yay, the region includes vancouver


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