
Saturday, January 25, 2014

This Has GOT To Stop

(Image from Sol Lucet in Jamaa)

Trust me, we don't want a phantom-hearted Jamaa.


  1. Yes, it DOES! Be the change you want to see in the world.

    P.S. Thanks for posting my banner!
    P.P.S. I love the new template!

  2. No.
    It is not what we want.

  3. Oh! I was replying to the post title.

    No! We want a different Jamaa Township!

  4. Bathrooms my den? O.O Erm, floating Mira... am I hallucinating?

  5. When's da next contest? Can it be a where is this in Animal Jam? You know, you take a picture somewhere in Jamaa and we guess where it is?

  6. people are blinded by greed sometimes. can't they see past it all? all they need are friends! not all these willy nilly rares! we don't need them! sure they look cool and all,but what about the other people?-cyacheer

    1. I agree with you. But I admit I enjoy collecting/trading/giving away rares... No one can deny that rares take an impirtant part in AJ. But today I played for probably 3-4 hours, and what did I do? I was goofing around with one of my closest friends in Jamaa, Whitefangfan1. :)

      Mythy Kitty

    2. no they don't need freinds i got hacked from my freind amberc26 she took dragon glove ice nature arch rassberry bow and light blue worn .-. I HATE CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  7. What has happened to Animal Jam? D:

  8. I don't get it
    - from a very "smart" pupp1266


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