
Monday, January 27, 2014


Hi Jammers! Today's new item is the bubbly pair of Rare Flippers!

They're nice, although their color is unknown.... the name of it's on the tip of my tongue... ah, yes, BLUE! Never heard of blue? :P


We've got 50,000 Views! I'm so glad you guys have stayed with me all this way. :)

There will definitely be a contest with some pretty good prizes and hopefully a party. ^.^

On another note, I must ask-why does everyone think I'm quitting when I'm not? O.O Did I say that unnoticed? If I did, I want to assure you I am not leaving AJ, unlike some people.

Lately I've been really occupied with school and cultural activities, so I am sorry for not posting as early as I've hoped. 

Hey, I've gotta life-so I'll live it! Hehe, I love that quote.

Who's stuck on Valentine's to pass out? I'll be making a special page on fun crafts for Valentine's Day for those who are stumped on what to give. The crafts are easy and fun!

Since this is kind of a boring post that I bet 50% of you have snored through it, I'll end it now. I've got to go, anyway.

See ya later!


  1. YAYYYYYYY 50000 Views!
    Congrats nafi!
    I remember the times u were at only 5000 views

  2. Celeeee-bration time come on! :D

  3. Oh. My. ZIOS, MIRA! Congratulations on 50,000 views! That's Jamming pawsome (that was too Jamaasian XD)!



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