
Monday, November 25, 2013

Rare Faerie Wings and a Weird Dream

Hi Jammers! Sorry for waking up a bit late. Hey, it's Fall Break for me! No school for an entire week! Do any of you guys have this week off as well?

Anyway, today's Rare Item Monday, and the RIM today is a pair of Rare Faerie Wings!

I feel like I haven't posted a RIM in weeks. o.o

Here's a funny picture I snapped at the new party:
The question is, how did she get up in the air? She's a reindeer! Or maybe she's secretly one of Santa's reindeer....

It's almost THANKSGIVING! My uncle slaughtered a 35 pound turkey for us to eat. Yum!

Oh, who wants to read my dream last night?


I had a dream my entire class took a fieldtrip to Africa. We had to WALK all the way from the U.S.A, sail across the Arctic Ocean, spend lunch in France, and walk the rest of the way. Surprisingly it only took us a day. O.O

When we got to the Arctic Ocean, a legend on a billboard told us about a mythical sea monster in the shape of a monkey, who flashes humongous waves at trespassers. We ignored the sign and continued to put together a sailboat. I jumped into the water and a ginormous wave slammed on our island, but a fresh, new boat was in the place of our drab boat we were building.

So....then we sailed off, and we walked, and walked, and walked until we finally reached Kenya. That was when I realized I had forgotten my camera.

I woke up, so The End!

And The End for this post. Bye bye!


  1. what a weird dream! once i had a dream and some one from my class was just standing there behind me. it was creepy. luckily i woke up. your lucky that you get a week off. i only get a short day on wendsday and the rest off. so really i only have 1 and half days of school( i have short Mondays). todays rare looks nice too!-cyacheer

  2. Actually, I'm leaving on a trip to Africa today. XD I'll keep an eye out for sea monsters shaped like monkeys though! O.O

  3. LOl dream :P and LUCKY you get a WHOLE WEEK OFF! :O Lucky you :D! You too RockyTop2! a trip! nice! I get 1/2 day wednesday and Thursday and Friday off.
    ~QTAngel~ xD


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