
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pet HDTV and Deer Photos

Hi Jammers! Sorry for the later post. I wanted to get into the party, so thank goodness it only was 20 minutes away. Anyway, the new item is clearly in the new party, and it's a Pet HDTV, which can be found at the Secret Shop for flying pets!

Notice how the featured color is the same color as the Rare HDTV!

Huh. I guess there's nothing else to talk about.

Well, I could show you a few deer pictures that I took! For, you know, the new deer coming soon to Jamaa.

Deer are such fascinating animals.

If you want to see more pictures, visit here.
Well, that's all for now! Bye bye!


  1. Merp! I sent a request to you :) Well... It's going to be like the 4th time it won't work XU

    MythCat2907 :3333333

  2. Whoa! How do you take those pictures?

    1. Lol, all you need is some luck and a good camera! :P
      (And a few deer, of course.)

    2. And Photoshop... Hee, hee, hee...



  3. And the fruit bowl came back today too.
    Wow, I didn't notice that with the TV. Kewl!

  4. O.O Great deer photos! ^.^


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