
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I am quitting. Temporarily...

I am quitting blogging for a.bit. I will be back soon, trust me, because I like blogging. I might  still answer comments and everything, and this break won't last a week, unless something comes up. I have been treated unfairly in real life, so yeah...I also will still be on animal jam, just...not as bye....

A very sad nafaria9, who you can call loser9 or wimpy9


  1. Aww! I am so sorry! I hope you come back soon! See you in AJ - xXRobinHoodXx P.S. I can't wait for you to return!

  2. For second I thought you were fully quitting! And aww see you later

  3. Oh no!! I was hoping we could get together today but i found out i can't either! :( i hope you are treated more fairly now!! I will miss you! Ur my best bud on AJ!

    A very sad Rainbowcat1

  4. I am too, you aren't wimpy... well, maybe we are BOTH wimpy! But honestly, aj is getting a bit boring


    1. Nah, we're both wimpy. AJ DOES get boring at times, it's just the way I feel that makes me wanna quit for a few days...

  5. I am the wimpy one. My blog sucks...
    puppiesluvpancakes, or "LOSER" as a girl in class called me the other day

    1. Just because it doesn't have much views doesn't mean it's not bad. I got to the point in my beginner-blogger stage that I wanted to quit the blog...but I kept going, and I succeeded. You can too! I'm sorry that girl called you a loser. And you aren't the wimp-I am. :/

  6. Aww :( i thought you where quitting forever for a moment
    Well bye.

  7. Aww this is my only way to hear about AJ right now and your not whimpy. I wasn't treated fairly in school last year, my best friend kept on saying she wanted to play with someone else. But inn the end we became friends again. My brothers best friend is just being plain old mean to him. So I hope school is better for me this year! -cyacheer

  8. D: Well I'll see ya in a few days! AJ is kinda well boring at some times so I understand. I'll be waiting!


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