
Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Good Lesson + Wind Amulet

Yeah, hi jammers! I'm back. I told my friend I'd be back on Saturday, so here I am. Today's new item is a Wind Amulet, which goes along with yesterday's update, the new Wind Armor. The Phoenix Armor is still there, though, just not on the model.

Also the new map has changed. I agree that the new map was a bit mashed together like clay, but I thought it was kind of cute. The old map is much more land-like, though, and nobody really loved the new map except me.... :P 

Also, the Easiest Way to Become Famous On AJ poll has ended. Let me share with you the results and what my opinion is: 

19 people voted for YouTube, 5 people for Blogging, 7 for Rares, 7 for Scamming, and 19 for Being Nice. 

YouTube-millions of jammers go on there everyday and watch different jammers' videos. Lots of them get famous for their videos. 

Blogging-a little bit of jammers like to search the web for daily websites about Animal Jam. Some get famous. 

Rares-I don't think many get famous for rares, but some people, the bridge people, do. 

Scamming/Hacking-Yeah, some people get famous....but in a BAD way. 

Being Nice-Hmm, let's see. How many people do you know that are famous for their kindness? I don't know anyone, do you? I wish that people could get famous for being nice and helping people, but, if you think about it, about 70 percent of Animal Jam's jammers need help by being giving an item that they have been scammed on or really want one. Nobody is the mega-machine for rares, are they? No. 

I once heard a saying on a movie, "The world doesn't need more people who are BIG and IMPORTANT, it needs more people who are NICE, COMPASSIONATE, and MERCIFUL! That is who I want to be." Jammers who voted for Being Nice-I agree, it is the BEST way to become famous, but not the EASIEST. 

That's all for today jammers! Remember to keep whipping AND VOTE ON THE MAILTIME POLL! :) 


  1. Hi! First comment XD I'm also walking my dog as I do this XD but cool post! I really like dis blog:D Also do you know if a dragon glove, mummy glove, and rare gazelle horns could be worth a rare spike? Thanks!

    1. Actually, a dragon glove and a mummy glove are worth more than a Rare spike, it's just people want them so much they WAAAY overtrade for them. If you get lucky, maybe someone might accept. I dunno really. And thanks! :)

  2. I believe the nice thing. if you be nice to non members a lot you might be famous to them. it's amazing how fast people view this blog just a minute ago it was at 17,011 and now its at 17,013. that 20,000 views party is going to be soon! :) -cyacheer


    1. No...I'm saying that fame barely comes from being nice.... o-o

  4. Hey Nafaira! I am SOOO glad you are back! I missed reading your blog :(


    1. Oh i wanted to show you some animal faces i came up with!

      Cat: =(^.^)= I came up with this version!
      Dog: (/^.^|) And here is another version of a dog. I think it looks like a German Shepard. with the pointed ears! (\ /)
      Maybe a bunny! XD

      I came up with all these versions of the anima faces!


    2. Oops! It looks wacky cause the comment ruined it :( Well i will try again! XD
      (\ /)


    3. There! i might have a party at my den on Wendsday! I will see!


    4. Wow, a lot of comments. XD I love all of your faces o3o


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