
Monday, October 2, 2017


Hi Jammers! Recently, we just hit 1,025,000 views! A month ago we reached the 1,000,000 views mark. It's crazy how time flies!

Every time we hit a 25,000 view interval (25,000, 50,000, 75,000, etc.), I will throw a party and host a contest to celebrate. This time, the party is going to be Night of the Phantoms themed. For more information, check out this little invitation I whipped up (haha, get it?):

I hope y'all can make it! We always have lots of fun. Oh, and remember to wear a Halloween/Night of the Phantoms costume for the costume parade/contest!

Speaking of contests, the 1,025,000 views contest will be up sometime between now and a couple of days, depending on how quickly I can get everything arranged together.

Allow me to announce two new sets of AJ merchandise before I close today's post. If you read the Daily Explorer, you've probably already heard the news.

Firstly, Animal Jam just released a second wave of Adopt-A-Pet clip plushies!

Ahhh, they're so cute! I have a ducky from Series 1, and it's the most adorable thing ever. Now I really want that polar bear...

Oh, and by the looks of it, I think the secret mystery pet is a seahorse. The mystery pet from Series 1 was a pony.

Secondly, you can now buy an Animal Jam 2018 Calendar from a website called!

Animal Jam 2018 Wall Calendar

I'm assuming each month has an Animal Jam picture on it. How neat!

Thanks for reading. Happy jamming!


  1. Congrats! <3

    Shame I can't come again, it'll be early in the morning for me (Southern Hemisphere issues :| ) Have fun though! :D

    :O Those plushies look so cute! Why can't they bring them to this corner of the earth?!? >:(
    ...........Nah joke, maybe some other time :P


    1. Congrats on hitting that huge view mark! I might not be able to attend the party, but save me some candy ;)


  2. Woo! Congrats! :D :D *fires fireworks*
    I should be able to make it to the party! :D

  3. Congrats Naffy! Sadly, I won't be able to make it to the party, as I will be on a vacation. I hope you have a good time! :D

  4. Yay! Another party! I'll try to make it ^-^ Also, for some reason I haven't been able to log into my google+ account.. but I'll try to fix it. Anyway, have a great day everybody!!
    ~ Cookies4ever8

  5. oh I must get my hand on a plush series 2 since I have the bunny from serie 1. If you get a clip do you mind posting about it and the different types? And a calendar that’s actually kinda cool! I wonder hat it will gen like inside. Congrats on the views aswell:)


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