
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Animal Jam Whip Suggestion Box

Welcome to the official Animal Jam Whip Suggestion Box! If you'd like to leave some feedback for the blog, whether it be constructive criticism, ideas, or thoughts for new content, comment down below! Make sure to follow the commenting rules, too!


  1. Here is a suggestion:
    Stay awesome XD
    Eat some Naffy taffy

    Here are some ideas:
    Add nyan cats to your blog (What!?)
    Do more icecream angel adventure stuff

    Here is a thought:
    (Insert creepy cat emoji here)

  2. That would be scary.

  3. Hire MEH as an author, I will transform it to weirdness

  4. Wait, isn't Anar the hater that said bad things on a post pretty recently? If so, with all do respect, please DO NOT HIRE THAT SQUIB AS AN AUTHOR, IT WILL RUIN THIS NICE, POSITIVE LLACE AND RUIN IT WITH HATRED,

  5. Hmmmmmm............ How about revisit to games that you used to play, possibly try out some new ones, harmless social experiments (Like something to do with food?), in-game randomness, and how about trying to create AJ related food stuff (If you bake XD)?

    Just some ideas, no pressure if you don't wanna use them, and no credit needed if you do use them :)


    1. Awesome ideas, Sugar! I'll definitely look into those!

  6. Instead of making an actual post involving whatever the latest drama is, you could make a new tab for drama. Considering some people don't want to read about drama. ~Akmlynx

  7. 0-0
    Look what I found:,searchweb201602_2_10152_10065_10151_10068_5400015_10307_10137_10060_10155_10154_10056_10055_10054_5370015_10059_100031_10099_9915_5380015_10103_10102_5410015_5430015_10052_10053_10142_10107_10050_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_5390015_10110_10175_10111_10112_10113_10114_10312_10313_10314_10315_10078_10079_10073_5420015-9915,searchweb201603_5,ppcSwitch_3&btsid=89f02f90-2e81-4888-9b51-27511daaa114&algo_expid=bb4e95a9-0967-437a-b84e-94c9acbec73a-4&algo_pvid=bb4e95a9-0967-437a-b84e-94c9acbec73a

    Seriously, 600 pieces!?!?!? Seems like a copycat of some sort, but I have never bought any Adopt a Pet series, so I'm not sure if they look the same.....................

    Not really sure if I put this comment in the right place, it just seemed like a post idea XD Hope the link works, otherwise search "Animal Jam" on Aliexpress..............


    1. Oh my gosh, that's a LOT of AJ toys.

    2. I know right? It's really branded though, it's not by Animal Jam. Still..................

      -watches an unboxing video from Naffy's YT channel- :O Your voice is so pretty!! Love the accent! So they DO look the same as the one from the link........


      P.S I found your other blog, it won't allow Anonymous? Would love to comment there if available :)

    3. Not really branded though^^ My grammar 0-0 I guess that's what you get for typing so fast..............


    4. @sugarcat2

      What's Naffy's other blog? :o MUST. READ.

  8. hire me and pay me more than minimum wage

  9. Maybe do a face reveal?

    1. Not meaning to sound rude, but isn't a face reveal a bit too personal for Naffy? The internet is a bit of dangerous place if you aren't careful.

      That's just my opinion, but it's Naffy's choice :)


  10. Maybe do a fun tricks and tips tab where you can learn how to do fun tricks and tips on AJ? I love fun tips and tricks :)

  11. hello im wildfirework and as somebody who has known you havent played the animal jam (classic) for a super long time, I think that you should do a post playing animal jam after such a long time of not playing!

  12. SILLY BIRD PT 2!!! Plz plz plzzzzzzzzz also at the end I want princess to be banned from jammer :p


Before you make a comment, please consider using these rules. If any of them are disobeyed, your comment will be deleted immediately.

1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
2. No rude/hateful/inappropriate/consistently negative or degrading comments. Even if it's just your opinion, anything unkind you say can be very hurtful.
3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
4. No impersonating.
5. If you are commenting anonymously, please sign with your main username.
