
Friday, June 2, 2017

Pixel Painting

Hi there, Jammers! :)

Yesterday, AJHQ gave us a surprise mini-update...

Now, members have the ability to create pixel art! First, you must purchase an easel from either the Diamond Shop or Epic Wonders, where you would normally purchase the regular masterpiece easel.

The format of the pixel painting system looks like this:

Pretty basic, right? A basic system for basic art.

If you've ever wanted to make quality Minecraft art on Animal Jam, this is your kind of update. :P

Thanks for reading, Jammers! Let me know what your opinions are on the new pixel painting! Bye!


  1. My den is about to be hit by a wave of pixel art.

    What have you done, ajhq

    I am very thankful for this update because now I can fill my den with retro video game artwork.


    1. Lol! I'm going to try and make a Creeper face masterpiece, but it's gonna take me a while.

    2. That's really cool! I wish I had that den! I hope you can buddy me in Animal Jam! My username is Iamagoodjammer50.I would really do appreciate that! Please contact my user.

    3. A "creeper" mask would be cool in Animal Jam!I'm a huge fan of "Minecaft".

  2. I absolutely hate and love this update. I love it because it's part of my conspiracy about AJHQ that I'm gonna send to Julian2, but I hate it because yet again AJ are hiding from the truth. Sometimes masterpieces aren't approved and they're sensored (just like my friends guns 'n roses masterpiece) and AJ want to divert them, and trick others so they think it was created using the pixel paint tool, and that player is, unfortunately, a scammer. Whereas, it's kind of the other way round.

    Yours rant-siringly,

    1. Yours deep-siringly, henrythegreat4

    2. How do you you hate and love something at the same time it doesn't make sense!

  3. I think its cool, but to easy to copy other people's art!

  4. Whew, I haven't visited here in a while. Haven't commented in so long either. I used to come here a lot, even if I didn't comment. Seems so long ago now. Haha. Hey. :)
    Nice banner as always. I like how the ocean theme is.
    Pixel art sounds pretty cool. Sounds like it's only accessible by members and diamonds only though.

    1. Hi Cutepups!! Nice to see you again! :D

    2. :') I'll try and comment more often now lol. Looked back some posts- AJ looks a little different now, and the AJ animal design process sounds pretty cool.

  5. That awkward moment when you're the same age as everyone a grade below you. Welp, not for long!


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