
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lots of Tags

Hi Jammers! I haven't done a tag in a long. long time. Do you guys remember when literally all of the AJ bloggers were just posting tags like crazy? Hehe, fun times.

Well, today I am going to be answering three different tags. One is the ''AJ Sunshine Blogger Award Tag'', the second is one that my friend Talloose created, and the third is a tag that my friend penguin55544 came up with.

Without further ado, let's begin!

Oh, and I think I'm going to answer Penguin's tag first. :P

1) What is your favorite AJ soundtrack?
Hmm... Jamaaliday Jingle, probably.

2) Do you have a favorite sport? If yes, what is it?
Tennis! ^.^

3) What is, in your opinion, the best movie ever?
Agh... there are sooo many amazing movies out there to choose from. I really like Up, Ant-Man, The Incredibles, MacFarland USA, Mulan, Doctor Strange, Rogue One, and so much more!

4) Who is your favorite AJ Alpha?
Probably Greely, since he's the most mysterious.

5) Do you have any summer plans this year?
Yeah! I'll be doing a lot of tennis, and I'm going on a few trips too.

6) What is your least favorite food?
Corn dogs, tomatoes, licorice, soda, kiwis, and lots more. Blech.

7) Do you have any pets? If yes, what kind of pet(s)?
I don't have any pets, but my aunt does. She has two soft coated wheaten terriers.

8) What is your least favorite color?
Umm... I don't have a least favorite color, I think.

9) What is your favorite activity to do outside of school?
I like to play tennis, play on the computer/Xbox/Wii, play board/card/party games, draw, read, watch TV, and do crafts!

10) If you could change into anything at all, what would you be? (And I literally mean anything. Tables, dogs, witches, anything.)
I would be a wolf.

11) Do you prefer morning or night?
Hmm... morning. I'm a morning person, I guess. Early summer mornings are the best in my opinion.

That's all of the questions for Penguin's tag! Remember, feel free to do any of these tags. You don't necessarily have to be ''tagged'' to participate in the fun! ^-^

Next up is the sunshine tag. Here we go!

1. If you could change something about your personality, what would it be?
I would change my shyness. I hate being shy.

2. What is your favorite place to visit? (ex: zoo, museum, etc)
I love to visit Yellowstone.

3. Cats or Dogs?
Dogs, definitely. I'm allergic to cats. :c

4. Who is your favorite Youtuber?
Honestly, I don't really watch very much AJ-Tubers. I like Miranda Sings, GloZell, Seamus Gorman, SuperCarlinBrothers, SaberSpark, CellSpex, iiSuperwomanii, PsychoSoprano, Joey Graceffa, HelloMaphie, Karina Garcia, WhatsUpMoms, Zoella, LPSAce... wow, that's a lot of people.

5. If you could change your username, what would you change it into?
Uhh... to be honest, I like my username the way it is. :3

6. If you could switch bodies with anyone, who would it be?
No one. :p

7. If you were only allowed to watch 1 Youtube channel forever, who would you pick? 
I hate this question. Hate is a strong word, I know. But I'm going to use it. I hate this question with a passion. You can't just tell me I'm supposed to CHOOSE ONE SINGLE FLIPPIN' YOUTUBE CHANNEL TO WATCH FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. That is too hard. Nope, I can't answer it. I won't. I will NEVER ANSWER! Grrr...

8. What is your favorite blog?
Check my blog list. :P

9. What would you do if Blogger shut down?
I would probably cry. Then maybe I would try contacting my viewers to tell them I'm switching to either YouTube or Wordpress or something like that.

10. If you could teleport to any TV Show/movie/ book universe, which one would it be? Why? 
Harry Potter. 110% Harry Potter.

11. If you could meet any 1 of your online friends in real life, who would it be and why? 
Again, this is a question I absolutely despise. How dare you make me choose! How dare you, evil tag! >:(

Finally, Talloose's tag! :)

1. If you had to eat one of your least favorite foods, Which one would you choose? 
Probably hot dogs.

2. What would you do if you woke up one day and the world froze, and you are the only one who can move?
I would be very shocked and terrified, so I would hide in my bed all day. I might get up to go to the bathroom and cook some food, but that's about it. And maybe play AJ a bit. :P

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, Where would it be?
Hmm... I like where I live now, but if I had to choose, then England would be it.

4. What is your favorite species of birds?
I like puffins, toucans, parrots, flamingoes, bluebirds, owls, and grey herons.

5. What are 5 things that make you happy?
Blogging, tennis, food, movies, and stuffed animals.

6. If you could invent anything is the world, What would it be and why?
A feasible method to help endangered species survive/prevent global warming/discover cleaner and cheaper energy to use.

7. What is something your proud of? Why?
I am proud of my blog. It's one of my biggest accomplishments.

8. Dolls, Figures or plushies?
Plushies all the way!

9. What is your favorite pattern to have on your clothes?
Stripes, vintage floral, and... polka dots, I suppose. I don't really know. XD

10. If you could create your own business company,  What would your brand sell? And why?
Hmm... that's a very good question. I don't have an answer at the moment. I'll have to think about that one, LOL!

11. What is your favorite and least favorite quality about yourself? 
I like how I am diligent with work and I get things done quickly and efficiently. I don't like to procrastinate. :p I wish I were more... outgoing, I guess? I dunno.

Hehe! That's all of the questions for that tag. Again, feel free to do any of the tags I did today, either on your own blog, the comments, or just in your head. Have fun with that, and most importantly, have fun in Jamaa!


  1. Awh, the tag I made isn't evil. >:(
    Anyways, good answers. But why didn't you like my questions?!?! DX They were innocent! XD

    1. XD It's not really evil, just that I had a hard time answering them. They were great questions! :P

  2. time for Kraft to answer all these questions

    Tag 1

    1. I like the hidden falls music
    2. No because I hate sports lol
    3. Probably Zootropolis (Zootopia)
    4. Sir Gilbert
    5. I'm going to Canada ^-^
    6. Mushrooms.
    7. I have two border terriers named Scooter and Pepper
    8. Probably bright yellow
    9. Play video games, draw, edit and animate!
    10. A frizzle chicken
    11. Night

    Tag 2-
    1. I'm really nervous around strangers
    2. I flipping loved Disneyland
    3. Dogs
    4. I like Chadtronic, Animat, JaidenAnimations, Julian2, Wisteriamoon, CellSpex, StudioC(technically not a youtubeR but they have a youtube channel so lol), LDShadowlady, StacyPlays, Baylee Jae, Draw with Jazza, Theodd1sout... And more. I watch lots of youtube XD
    5. I don't want to say because then someone might steal it, but I have a side account called Kraftingafuture, and I wish I could use that username for my main account
    6.Some Disney animator somewhere lol
    7. AHHH NO
    8. I don't pick favourites :)
    9. Cry
    10. I wouldn't really want to move to any of my favourite book/film/game universes simply because i couldn't survive a minute in any of them. I guess Minecraft XD
    11. nu i refuse to answer

    I did the final tag already lol


    1. Have AJ change your spare account's username to something else (almost as cool), then see if you can change your main account's user to Kraftingafuture! :D


    2. @XDplorergirl)

      I have a lot of other usernames that I might change to, I just didn't want to say incase they're stolen, so I just said one out of my side accounts that I have :P


  3. Um, I feel a little shy in doing a tag, I've done too much tags on another blog.......... I'll just do Penguin's.........
    1. Don't know to be honest, they all sound amazing!
    2. Yup. Equestrian. (Now don't complain to me that Horse Riding isn't a sport. If you want proof, search the internet)
    3. There are so many to choose from, but I'll go with the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
    4. Maybe Liza.
    5. Nope, Summer has just passed, Winter's coming again........
    6. Hmm...... Anything that doesn't appeal to my standards. Not up to standard=Not to my liking. Pretty much my standards are: No 1: Look appealing and delicious. No 2: Must actually taste like what it promises (AKA A gummy bear better taste like a gummy bear). Ahem, I'll move on now........
    7. Goldfish and Chickens :D
    8. Pink, or nearly every girly colour, I can't stand it.
    9. Horse Riding (When my riding teacher is available), Doing stuff on the computer, playing Star Stable, and reading a good book/website.
    10. Maybe a horse............
    11. Don't know, my friend list mostly consists of friends in real life........


  4. Cool answers!!

    (Psssst, by the way, the tag is not actually called "AJ Sunshine Blogger Award Tag." It literally has nothing to do with AJ. It's just "Sunshine Blogger Award Tag." :P)

    1. Oh, okay. :P Thanks for clarifying that! I was pretty confused too.

  5. Can I interview you sometime on AJ?

    1. like, next saturday 2 pm EST? I'm might ask you random questions that make no sense to see how you react. Hopefully it works if nothing gets in the way. It takes place in... one of my dens. Do you want to be interviewed by a christmas tree, a bunny, or a fox?

    2. Hmm... that might work. I'll let you know if things need to change. I would enjoy be interviewed by a Christmas tree, if that's alright with you. :P

    3. uploaded the views 900k party vid! In parts.

  6. i remembered somebody said they wanted to make this their ipad backround if they could figure out how so here you go just save the image by holding it and click save image (in safari) and then just set it as your backround


  8. Oooh these are some snazzy tags
    1. Probably the Mt. Shiveer music
    2. Me plus sports equals lots of laughing (I'm probably one of the most unathletic people you'll ever meet) :P
    3. Here are a few of my favorites: The original 3 Star Wars, the original Ghostbusters, and Funny Face. I like old movies. :D
    4. Greely because he does really unexpected things.
    5. Road Trips
    6. Mushrooms and peas bleh
    7. Auzzie my Australian Shepherd
    9. Drawing and reading are probably my most used past times.
    10. A koala <3
    11. Night, I've woken up in the middle of the night and spontaneously draw stuff.
    Next Tag....
    1. My shyness around new people
    2. Venezuela
    3. Dogs
    4. GellyJones and Julian2
    5. I like my username
    6. Audrey Hepburn (if I had a time machine)
    7. :( I can't choose just one!
    8. The AJ Whip of course :3
    9. Hysterically cry
    10. Either the world of Divergent or The Hunger Games because their world is just so different from ours.
    11.That would be impossible to pick :P
    Next One....
    1. Mushrooms
    2. Freak out, play AJ :D
    3. Australia
    4. Owls and penguins
    5. People expressing themselves through the arts, art, movies, and books.
    6. Any method to help endangered animals and orphans.
    7. My art
    8. #plushiesforlife
    9. Patterns that look like splattered paint
    10. Crafting Idea books.
    11. I'm weird and I'm proud! I can be a procrastinator sometimes. :P
    Those were fun :D -akmlynx

  9. Penguin's Tag:

    1) Probably the spring egg hunt music.

    2) Gymnastics!

    3) I really like Inside Out, Finding Nemo, Lord of the Rings, and any Star Wars movie. (Rogue One emotionally scarred me, though.)

    4) Who is your favorite AJ Alpha?
    Either Cosmo or Peck.

    5) Do you have any summer plans this year?
    My family is going on a Disney cruise at the end of summer vacation. I'm super excited!

    6) What is your least favorite food?
    Meat (I'm a vegetarian), asparagus, bananas, and melon.

    7) Do you have any pets? If yes, what kind of pet(s)?
    Yep! I have a Chinese water dragon named Camo. My family also has two black shorthair cats (brother and sister) named Merlin and Matilda. My sister has a guinea pig named Mini.

    8) What is your least favorite color?
    I'd have to say mustard yellow.

    9) What is your favorite activity to do outside of school?
    Reading, writing, drawing, blogging, climbing trees, or watching TV! I also like playing Animal Jam, Minecraft, Flight Rising, EggCave, PetAdoptables, NationStates, and Sims Freeplay.

    10) If you could change into anything at all, what would you be? (And I literally mean anything. Tables, dogs, witches, anything.)
    Hm.. that's a hard question! But I'd have to say a rabbit - they're vegetarians, like me, so I wouldn't have to hunt; they're fast and can jump high; and they have really good ears so they can detect predators!

    11) Do you prefer morning or night?
    Well, I'm a night owl, and I stay up really late, but I like being up in the morning. I just don't like WAKING up in the morning. There's something about the morning that just feels so cool, like you have so many opportunities for the day!

  10. Sunshine Tag!

    1. If you could change something about your personality, what would it be?
    I would make it so that I wasn't as obnoxious - I make awkward jokes too much, and then I ALWAYS laugh at them, which makes me feel really annoying and stupid!

    2. What is your favorite place to visit? (ex: zoo, museum, etc)
    The library, but my favorite STATE to visit is California.

    3. Cats or Dogs?
    Cats!!!!! I mean, I love dogs too (especially Pomeranians), but I'm DEFINITELY a cat person!!

    4. Who is your favorite Youtuber?
    My favorite Animal Jam Youtuber is WisteriaMoon, followed by Gellyjones, Cherrioz, and Magnet. My favorite non-AJ Youtubers are KittenLady and ASAPScience!!! I also like Studio C.

    5. If you could change your username, what would you change it into?
    I'd change it to IndigoFudge, because that's what I call myself in my videos, and that's what my Instagram is called (@indigofudgeyt) and also my YouTube channel.

    6. If you could switch bodies with anyone, who would it be?
    I wouldn't want to switch bodies with anyone, but if someone FORCED me to, I'd choose a Syrian refugee. That's so they could live in my body, and be able to experience a life away from all the horrors they had to experience.

    7. If you were only allowed to watch 1 Youtube channel forever, who would you pick?
    Uuuuuuuummmmmm.. probably... StudioC. They do hilarious sketch comedy videos, and they already have, like, more than 100 uploaded, so I'd be entertained for a while :P

    8. What is your favorite blog?
    The Animal Jam Whip <3

    9. What would you do if Blogger shut down?
    I would be really upset, but luckily, I mostly post stuff on Instagram, so I wouldn't have lost THAT much.

    10. If you could teleport to any TV Show/movie/ book universe, which one would it be? Why?
    The Spirit Animals universe. Spirit Animals is a book series where everyone gets an animal companion and they go fight evil and stuff.

    11. If you could meet any 1 of your online friends in real life, who would it be and why?
    I CANNOT CHOOSE JUST ONE. I am tied between..
    -Victoria. I met her a few years ago on a writing site called Qfeast. She's super nice and sweet. She says that I'm one of her best friends.
    -Sara. I also met her a few years ago on Qfeast. We're really good friends, and I want to meet her! >:(
    -Lydia. I met her on Animal Jam Discord, and I really want to meet her in real life. Her Animal Jam username is Shimmercolors, btw.

  11. Talloose's Tag!

    1. If you had to eat one of your least favorite foods, Which one would you choose?
    Melons, definitely.

    2. What would you do if you woke up one day and the world froze, and you are the only one who can move?
    I would be terrified, but then I would go explore a little, and then play Animal Jam and Minecraft. After a few days, if everyone and everything was still frozen, I'd assume it was permanent. Then, I'd go to the bookstore and take some books, and to other stores and load up on stuff >u<

    3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    Probably Scotland.

    4. What is your favorite species of birds?
    CHICKENS!!!!! They are SO CUTE and I want to have some as pets!!!

    5. What are 5 things that make you happy?
    Animals, the Internet, the TV show The Goldbergs, and writing.

    6. If you could invent anything in the world, what would it be and why?
    I would invent something to stop global warming. I'd also want to invent some sort of synthetic meat that tasted exactly like real meat but wasn't made out of animals, and then have it widely produced so no one would have to kill animals again.

    7. What is something you're proud of? Why?
    I'm really proud of the 150-something personality quizzes and the 80-something stories I've written on the writing website Qfeast.

    8. Dolls, figures or plushies?

    9. What is your favorite pattern to have on your clothes?
    Stars, definitely!

    10. If you could create your own business company, what would your brand sell? And why?
    I would make an interior designing business, so I would help people design the interiors of their homes - choosing paint colors, furniture, rugs, etc! I love interior designing!

    11. What is your favorite and least favorite quality about yourself?
    My favorite quality is probably how I always want to help people and do random acts of kindness. My LEAST favorite is DEFINITELY how much I procrastinate!!!! I WISH I COULD JUST GET MY WORK DONE! I HAVE LITERALLY TWENTY OVERDUE LESSONS! XD


Before you make a comment, please consider using these rules. If any of them are disobeyed, your comment will be deleted immediately.

1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
2. No rude/hateful/inappropriate/consistently negative or degrading comments. Even if it's just your opinion, anything unkind you say can be very hurtful.
3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
4. No impersonating.
5. If you are commenting anonymously, please sign with your main username.
