
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

AJPW Google Play Award + Cool Costume Ideas

Hello Jammers! Welcome to the Animal Jam Whip!

Did you know that AJPW (Animal Jam Play Wild) was nominated for the 2017 Google Play awards, and won!?

That's right! AJPW received the title of Best App for Kids! Here is a photo of Clark Stacey, the CEO of WildWorks, receiving the award. WildWorks is the company that created Animal Jam and AJPW.

I think it's so neat how far this company has come. This award is a big milestone for WildWorks, and we as a community couldn't be more proud! ^.^

Meanwhile, I've come up with two new outfit ideas for your AJ animals! These will be added to the Costume Corner, which you can view by clicking on the clothing icon on right hand sidebar of the blog.

Pineapple Penguin
Created by nafaria9

Pineapple Hat
Egg Cloak

 Jack Frost
Created by nafaria9

Winter Jacket (or Lasso if you'd rather have the staff instead of his hoodie)
Spiked Hair

Thanks for reading, Jammers! Tomorrow is an update day... I wonder what's in store for us! It's also my last day of school. ;)



  1. Hahahahahahaha I love the pineapple penguin it looks so funny and cool and AMZINGXD

  2. Remember, me interviewing you takes place in my den at Saturday 2 pm EST. (Rosydaisy30603)

  3. I love your look ideas! Can you try doing some elf look? Or maybe even a.. Hmmmmmm, Hogwarts Harry, Ron, Hermione look perhaps? I THINK SNAPE IS BETTER!

    Sorry got carried away there, cheers Naffy!

    1. Ooh! Those are awesome ideas! I will definitely try those out! ^-^

  4. I've always loved how spiked hair looks on arctic wolves

  5. Naffy? What is your hair color and skintone? the reason why I'm asking is because Kara is doing a chibi drawing of all le bloggers and needs to know :)

    1. I have strawberry blonde hair with pale skin. ^.^

  6. Wow, AJPW is getting the award for best app for kids? I think it really deserves it!

  7. I really think ajpw deserves that award I actually do play wild more than computer AJ because there is no membership on pw and because I like the 3D graphics



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