
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Latest Animal Jam Drama: ''Dupers''

Hello everyone, Naffy here. I know I promised to make another AJ toy review post today, but that has been set aside for something I believe is currently slightly more important. Don't worry, though, because you'll be able to see the other toy review tomorrow. :)

Now, as you can see, this is no ordinary, typical daily post. This post covers tendentious topics including the latest drama that's been buzzing around the Animal Jam community. I don't normally make posts like these because I prefer keeping this blog a happy and positive place, but I figured I should probably discuss this certain subject with you guys.

So, without further ado, let's begin.

It all started with an Animal Jam social media account. This account has now been deleted, but if I remember correctly, the username was aj.gifterss. If you didn't already know, there's this trend on AJ social media where people make separate accounts, collect rares, and then send them away to random strangers who follow them or comment on their posts as a way of giving back to the community and just overall being generous.

It seems like a pretty nice concept, right? You know the old saying, ''giving is better than receiving'', or something along those lines. But in this case, there's something VERY odd about Gifterss, and I'm about to explain why...

They gave out ultra sought-after rares such as beta arctic hoods, light pink headdresses, and glitched items.

And they had a pretty large stock of it, too. By the way, some of this information was given to me by my friend misterfrizzy, so kudos to him for that.

Obviously, having such a big amount of rares to simply GIVE AWAY to totally random people is a bit fishy, don't you think?

After people started to realize that something was up, rumors were being spread throughout the community. These rumors claimed that the account belonged to a group of people who were actually using a secret hack to duplicate items and make more of them known as ''duping''.

At first it might sound like a harmless idea, because what easier way is there to get people their dream items? But... if you think about it, it becomes clearer that perhaps this isn't the right thing to do. Firstly, it's hacking, and you should NEVER hack ANYONE or ANYTHING for ANY reason. Even though it's ''just a kid's game'', there will be consequences. If you get yourself too caught up in the act, you'll find yourself facing even BIGGER consequences later on in life.

Secondly, it messes up the rarity system. Take beta arctic hoods for example. As more and more hoods are being illegally created and distributed, the value of the item decreases as quickly as the duping is occurring. The result? A screwed up economy of virtual accessories and a bunch of angry Jammers.

After a bit of investigation, it turns out that AJHQ supposedly discovered who the ''dupers'' were, and permanently banned their accounts within an instant.

Did AJHQ make the right move? Was everyone that AJHQ banned guilty, or did they make a mistake and ban a few innocent ones? We don't know entirely for sure.

One thing I do know is that it's wrong to dupe. Don't follow in the footsteps of the dupers.

That's all for today. Remember, stay safe, jam on, and play wild.


Image result for nafaria9 signature


  1. Wait...
    TheAnimalAJ21 and LegitNick duped! I thought they were just really rare. WAIT! That explains glitched item #6371, it was generated by nick, and that "story" was fake! I was actually a big fan of them :(

  2. O.O Woah....

    I knew there was a glitch where you accidently get another copy of your item but that is pure random. It has never actually happened to me...

    But this is serious! o,o And I can't believe LegitNick was one of them... That's the only person I have heard of on that list.

    Crazy.... o,o

    1. Same here
      I met Legitnick once

    2. Same here, actually. I don't really know anyone else on that list too well, except for LegitNick, of course.

    3. TheAnimalAJ21 is a YouTuber that has 3,000 subs and does MASSIVE giveaways. Her last one featured her giving away 6 lphds


  4. Legitnick got banned? :OO I think AJHQ made the
    and these people are messing up the rarity system,
    and giving it to these people, and other people trade countless amount of rares that they worked hard to get. There have been so many things messing up the rarity system lately, dont you think?

  5. I don't really care about this. It's just pixels, guys. People are like "OMG MY LPHD WORTH NOTHING!1!11!" Yet it never was worth anything. It is PIXELS.

    I'm surprised LegitNick was a duper. I actually enjoyed his content.


    1. Yeah, it's kind of a shame that some of the people in the community that Jammers actually looked up to set a very bad example for us by doing this.

  6. This has gotten rather chaotic. I mean people have been getting banned and suspended all over the place. First Skorm sold items, Julian made that one video, and now this. I feel like people just don't learn from other's mistakes, thankfully the moderators exist, but i really hope no one who got banned for this was innocent.


  7. But what about the duped items? Is AJHQ allowing them to stay in-game or will anything happen?

    1. AJHQ has stated that they will be investigating and tracking each duped item down, so a lot of people who received possibly duped items are recycling them just to be safe.

    2. Sorry for being a noob, but where did AJHQ state this? I'm trying to keep up with the info, but I don't know where to look lol

    3. A Jammer asked them through the Direct Messaging (DM) system on Instagram. I don't remember who it was though.

  8. what happens if by any chance you get a duped item...?

    1. I doubt you will be punished if you own a duplicated item since you did nothing wrong, but it would probably be best to recycle it if you think your item was duped until AJHQ can sort things out.

  9. Honestly, this is an amazing post about it. In my opinion, to end this chaos I think AJHQ must have put some rares in stores in the future, so that Jammers can just buy them!

  10. I believe that it was wrong for these Jammers to duplicate items. First of all, it is against the AJ rules and terms of services; and I'm pretty sure it's also illegal. Not only that, but making copies of rares completely messes up the rarity system. If you make tons of counterfeit money, then that causes inflation. That's pretty much what happened.

    I believe AJHQ did the right thing by banning these 'duplicators' because, like I said, duplicating is against the terms of services of AJ. I don't think they banned any innocent people because they can look at what an account has done and they can find out that these people did indeed duplicate their rares.

    Maybe these people had good intentions, giving everyone their dream rares, but they just didn't think it through. The duplicated items are being deleted anyway; surely they could have realized that that's what would happen?


  11. I'm gone for one day and I miss all of this. :P I think AJHQ did the right thing but in all reality, they took all the time to figure out how to do this just to waist it on pixels. -akmlynx

    Honestly I only knew LeightNick and I didn't really love his content. Also I hope Aparri gets banned because he did terrible things. I'm not a screaming, pink, rare-thirsty Aparru Fan-Girl

  13. Woah, I mean I have noticed a LOT of Headdresses going around lately, but i'm surprised Legitnick was apart of it.. Its just sad to see your favorite
    Youtuber get banned for such a thing...

    -Cutebunny3326 AJ

  14. Plus I knew TheAnimalAj21 gave away a lot of lphds And that made me suspicious.

    -Cutebunny3326 AJ

  15. i hate the rarity system because of this,JAMMERS CRY OVER PIXELS! REALLY JUST PIXELS!

  16. AAAAHH! this is crazy! i wish it was the beta days again when the game was too fun for ppl to hack! now these over aged HACKERS ARE ROAMING all over the place! but honestly idc that much. its not reality, its just hackers in a online game. i would be more suspicious if it was PW, cuz apps ara very secure


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