
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Animal Jam Duvet Set

Hey guys! If you read yesterday's post, you may have noticed that I said I was going to post about even MORE new Animal Jam merchandise to come soon, and so now I will be fulfilling that promise! ^-^

After doing some research about the seal figurine, I stumbled upon an Animal Jam duvet set for a single bed that, like the seal toy, can only be pre-ordered from the UK version of the Amazon website.

Doesn't it look awesome!? :D I wonder if it even comes with that snazzy pillow as well...

Anyway, this item is set to be released on March 17th, 2017. The sad part is that it doesn't ship to the United States from the UK website. Oh well!

Before I end today's discussion, look at this funny picture I found on Google+:


Haha! Very sorry to say, but it's true. :P

That's the whip! Goodbye!


  1. they better make a double one or else

    Idk which amazon I saw it on, but there's also a pink and purple (I think it was at least) fox plush with an archer hat. I couldn't find it when I looked tho

    Also, I don't think a single person has bought the adopt-a-pet Argos exclusive yet... I'm curious what it comes with. I might buy it sometime X3


    1. do u mean igloos? I have bought 2 of them. argos??? what the heck is that????????

    2. It's a store in the United Kingdom, I believe.

  2. Wow, Animaljam is really expanding there merchandise, not sure if I would want a duvet of animaljam in my bed but okayXD

    1. I would...........

    2. People are allowed to have a different opinion than you, Scar. Please do not be mean to others just because you don't agree with them.

  3. Is the new new animal really going to look like that??

  4. AHH THAT'S CABBAGE LEAF'S DRAWING (I'm friends with them). Those sheets are cool though.

  5. Not sure how much I'd want to wake up every morning to see the creepy panda on my bed...But Grumpy cat on the other hand, I might consider
    Heh -akmlynx :)

    1. ok, its not creepy...... grumpy cat? srsly? u'd prefer that over animal jam???????????????? SERIOUSLY?
      the panda is not creepy........
      how did that comment get throught the filter, Nafaria??????????????

    2. That picture in your post is not very nice. The new animal will look awesome, idk y ppl exadgerate things...... that is just not very nice :c

    3. HAH! But YOU dont want people commenting rude things...... but somehow its ok for you to post mean things............ hmm.........

    4. Uhh... it's just a joke? Chill out, dude. The new animal obviously isn't going to look like that. The only reason I posted it was because I thought it was funny, and everyone else thinks it's funny too, so I don't know what your problem is. :/

    5. I know the new animal isnt gonna look like that XD i understand, and ''everyone else'' probably is a understatement, because theres probably a lot of people out there who dont like that, whatever, but i had a freaking headache yesterday but you dont have to come at me like that jeez...
      and i forgive you :l
      akmlynx thats ok some pics of the pandas r creepy lol
      i like grumpy cat too
      well just because u think its funny doesnt mean everyone else does so u either dont have to hate on mine.....
      well 2 me it was a hate comment
      i do not mean to come off as rude here, but i dont get it when i say mean things its ok for ppl to say mean things to me.
      idk anymore.....
      its ok say what you feel :-)

    6. Okay. Thanks for apologizing. I understand.

    7. Yeah
      You're welcome
      Thank you.


  6. This post hurt my feelings nafaria :(

    1. Okay...? I'm sorry it offended you.

    2. @Scar first off, that was just my opinion that the pandas are creepy (I wrote the grumpy cat comment) and the Grumpy Cat picture was meant to be a joke. Second please don't go hating on other people's opinion, that picture of the new animal was funny (thanks for brightening my day Naffy ;) ).
      And to answer your question about how my comment went through the filter is because
      a, it contained no profanity
      b, it was not a hate comment
      and c, I meant it in no way to offend anyone.
      And I ask that you pleae don't reply to this hating on me. I am not trying to be mean. (Sorry this was bugging me so I had to say it) -akmlynx :/

    3. Thats fine thats YOUR opinion, but whats funny to you is not funny to others.....

      Whoever said i was hating on you, or others?

      Well it was a hate comment toward the panda, because if its not nice its mean.
      Im not trying to hate on you or be mean back. Im just trying to state my point.
      The reason im commenting back is because its not resolved for me.



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