
Friday, January 20, 2017

Year of the Rooster Party Tour

Hello! ^.^ Today is the day that American becomes ''great'' again...

And today is also the day that I will be giving you guys a tour of the Year of the Rooster party, a new party that is just for people with rooster pets!

To be honest, not much has changed from last year's Year of the Monkey party, or Chinese New Year party, as I should say. The layout is basically the same. However, there are some new rooster items in the shop!

I personally like the rooster balloons. XD

What is your favorite part about this party?


  1. My favourite party ever.

    Chickens are life


    1. Agreed. And I like the green statue thingy mabob. My English teacher would be so proud! XD -akmlynx

  2. you meant 'America,' not 'American' right?


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