
Monday, December 12, 2016

Warning: Hackers on the Loose + Unreleased Items

Red alert, red alert.

That's right, Jammers - two dangerous hackers, Floam and Zade (IDozAnimalJamz), are at large, ready to pounce at any moment.

Not too long ago, IDoz uploaded a video on how to convert any image file into .ajart, which is the file that masterpieces are saved as.

In the video, he explained that in order to do the job, you needed to download a certain software.

Those who chose to download the software reported that their computers had received a virus from the program.

The video was removed from YouTube, then uploaded back up again numerous times. AJHQ even banned IDoz's account from Animal Jam permanently.

But none of that will stop IDoz from getting what he wants.

This time around, he's teamed up with Floam to hack into one of AJHQ's secret servers that is specifically for testing new items that come into stores.

On this server, they've both managed to bring unreleased/removed/unavailable items back into the game, such as skullys, mace tails, healing staffs, etc.

Above is just one of the many pictures they've posted on their Instagram accounts.

But that's not all that Floam and Zade can do. They've also been able to change their animals' names (like lolkingcentury1 did many years ago), and even recolor items.

And the hacking party isn't over yet. Floam leaked a picture of one of the items that was currently be tested by AJHQ. Here it is:

As you can see, it looks sort of like a spiked wristband that's been tied to a rope. Perhaps a spiked wristband necklace? o.o It's definitely a... erm... different item, so to say.

The main point of this post is to warn you guys about Floam and Zade. These two pesky hackers will stop at nothing to get what they want. Some might argue that the photos and videos provided on their social media accounts are fake, but one thing's for sure - please stay safe!

(P.S. If you're interested, Zade made a video regarding this whole hacking fiasco. Click here to give it a watch.)


  1. I thought these guys were just messing around. But now I understand these guys are real, they could be the new fman122 or lolking.

    1. You mean fman122 and lolking COMBINED? They gave users a virus and they were able to change their animal's names!

    2. You mean fman122 and lolking COMBINED? They gave users a virus and they were able to change their animal's names!

  2. I hate how they did that, i kind of liked seeing the sneak peek, but now im not really going to excited to see them in stores :(, also, Julian2 made a video with all the planned items in the game, so idk

  3. Eh, I dunno. Yeah, these guys sound serious, but I don't think we should panic. They seem to be interested mainly in hacking testing accounts, not Jammers' accounts. (Not that that isn't a PROBLEM... just that paranoia won't help here.)

    The spiked collar necklace looks very cool, although I'm afraid HQ might delay the release now, due to the unwanted publicity for the item. :(

    Hackers stink! ):C I really hope HQ will be able to deal with this without too much trouble or risk to the game. Here's hoping for a swift end to Floam and Zade's spree!


    1. Good point. I wonder what AJHQ will do about this.

    2. Rlly wtf who said this mf can tell my personal info!

  4. Oh my gosh... I'm scared now... o.o

  5. O: I couldn't get hacked by the first one cuz I'm not allowed to download stuff.

  6. Julian2 recently made a video about a website containing every item in the game in every colour. The creator of the website wanted to keep it secret, but I am 99% sure it's one of these people. Furthermore, Idoz created that masterpiece hack and livestreamed hacking accounts. I seriously want that kid out of the community :|


    1. Yep, I saw that video as well. Now there's a bunch of drama going on between IDoz, Floam, and Julian because of it. >.<

  7. Why? Its such a bad idea to be hacking, and in my state, you can be punished at the most 10 years of jail time! Crazy!

    1. Yeah! Hacking is illegal and just morally wrong.

  8. The program that IDoz shared was actually a Trojan horse program which is very dangerous, since your computer can't detect it. I found it was a Trojan horse program by reading the discussion board on his channel.

    Now this can get very serious, since this is one of the things that Aparri and Zarfy got in trouble for, hacking into these servers. It is cool to see these things, but it's still illegal.

    Honestly if these people are so good at hacking, why are they wasting their energy on a kids game?

    1. Wait a sec... Aparri got in trouble?! o,o Goodness. I don't see why hackers of such skill would hack a kids game for unreleased items. For little pixels. If they have all that skill, why not try something... important?

  9. Oml on instagram and stuff Floam and Idoz are talking trash about Julian for absolutely no reason.
    Reasons this is dumb
    1-It was hum or Idoz who told Julian this just to preteng to expose him
    2-Julian was simply excited to see unreleased items with no clue what had happened
    3-Hacking is ILLEGAL. Sloam and Idoz could legitimately get arrested yet they're playing it off like it's nothing and just using it as an excuse to hate on Julian, and probably Aparri too now he's also made a video on the subject
    4-Just like with the Zarfy drama, people are STILL sticking up for Sloam and IDoz. I am sorry but what the heck? People don't care they're HACKING into animal jam and are just screaming at Julian for making a video he literally said he'd happily take down.

    The animal jam community is so freaking awful. Literally a week ago there was all that drama about Magnet having an opinion about what is appropriate and now this? It's just disgraceful.


  10. I do share this and I will, but before let me say, thanks for warnign us I ionly hack when I am or a friend is getting hacked, please dont report me in the same way :)

  11. What's wrong with them? This is a kids game and there doing illegal junk to show new/beta items. They could actually get up to 1 year in juvenile custody AND a huge fine. Hacking breaks the copyright law of Animal Jam which is a federal offense. And the fact there persuading little kids into downloading viruses. \(••)/ an extremely confused akmlynx ^.^

  12. Idozanimaljam is an immature 15/16 yr old -star35671

  13. Thanks for warning us Naffy :)

    That is so scary and not nice to do!!! I hope someone will do something about it......


  14. Thanks for the warning Naffy Taffy
    Although that spike necklace thing look like AJHQ needs to rethink there clothing items :P -akmlynx

  15. O,o Zade is trying to ruin the community.
    I don't know if you have watched that video (now it's deleted), but he pretended he was his best friend and said he DIED in a CAR ACCIDENT. And, about 5 days later, he uploaded an animal jam video. Like, seriously. Death is not funny, Idoz, and is certainly not a proper way to get views :T

  16. Hi guys. I got hacked! Not sure if it was one of the people you were talking about, but yesterday, my rare bow and arrow was gone, my rare purple cupid wings were gone, and my flower light up ring is now gone. I tried to log in today, but my password was changed! I went on my spare account. But the sad thing is, the account that got hacked was a member account and i had 6 adopt a pets on that, plus lots of codes and stuff... including a lion's mane! I'm, like, sooo sad. My main account is Creativename123 and my spare is Happysmilingrainbow. Just saying, when I logged in, I was not happy, smiling, or a rainbow.


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