
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

AJ Masterpiece Fraud

Hey Jammers! Nafaria here! I'm back with another post.

Recently a handful of people in the AJ community have somehow discovered a way to convert regular, every day image files into .ajart files. This means that it IS possible to take a picture off of the Internet and make it into a masterpiece.

Take a look at these two works of art, for example.

The lines are too smooth on these two masterpieces for them to have been created in AJ paint. They're beautiful drawings for sure, but cheating by converting these original works of art into masterpieces is just dirty.

Several days ago, IDozAnimalJamz made a video on how to do this.

It probably won't be long before AJHQ does something about this growing issue. Hopefully they do something about it, because fake art screws up the quality of REAL masterpieces.

Well, that's all I have for you today. If you do happen to know how to convert ordinary image files into .ajart files, I suggest you play it safe and not act upon it.



  1. Very interesting. I really wish I knew how to do this so I could put my art in the game in all honesty. It's just awful that feel like they have to right to go and steal art from others. I've been catching a lot of people doing this too, mostly just adding an acrylic effect to a picture and using the airbrush tool in certain ares. It's disgusting.

    1. ^^ I agree. As much as I'd like to take my better art and put it in AJ, it's so wrong for people to steal art and claim it.


    2. If used correctly though, this could be used to DIGITALIZE art you made rather than take art.

    3. Well, I was going to use art I've made in it instead, so that's something.

    4. Actually, those masterpieces are made in AJ. Look at it closer, and you'll see hat this is incorrect

    5. i can't do art but that is very dirty. DO NOT TRUST THE GUY WITH A USERNAME THAT LOOKS LIKE MAJOR10! HE IS A TRICKSTER!!!

  2. I heard that Idozanimaljam made a live video on YouTube where he/she was HACKING into AJ.
    Not the brightest person ever. Who proves they're a hacker to the entire world like that?
    My sister looked up the username, and it didn't show anything, so I think they were banned.

    -swirlshine (school computer)

    1. I believe Idozanimaljamz has hacked in the past too.
      Probably how he got the magenta furry hat he traded Bepper.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I KNEW IT, this makes me feel a little bit better when i make art bc some ppl are phoneys

  5. But the Animal Jam art studio isn't compatible with my surface pen, so I have to use other apps to draw decent art.

    1. Are there any drawing devices compatible with art studio, such as a Wacom pad or something?

    2. yooooooooo wacom works

    3. wacom tablet is compatible with aj art studio i use it myself

    4. my wacom tablet doesn't work with it. it just scrolls the page when im trying to draw

  6. Animal Jam has now found a way to stop this sort if thing but have sadly made it impossible to use most art files from before the fix. :(

  7. thats a fake one the shading in the background, i just looked at the real one so...

  8. I know this is a post from a year ago but I want to comment so badly, I want to get my opinion out there. IDozAnimalJam is a hacker, (I think, I heard a lot from Jammers saying so.) and she/he was currently banned. One of her videos is a hack and you shouldn't click on it!

  9. That second painting is by @Apofiss on deviantart., I think the first one is done by them as well. I'm not completely sure about the first one, but the second one i know for sure!


  10. I have mixed feelings about this because I do think the creater of these fake yet wondrous masterpieces is the adversary, but I myself have been tempted into this though never have done it. Sadly I cannot decide which side I am on, though this is completely a horrible ting to do. Maybe they really did make the art, or they had a good reason for cheating, though I doubt it.

  11. I really wish people would stop treating this like it's only art theives and fakers who are doing this. Some of us (like me) are actual digital artists with good programs that want our original artwork as den items without having to crappily remake it using the AJ painting tool. We're not ALL art theives.

    1. agreed. I made a drawing of a Warriors OC of mine recently, and I really would love to show it off because I kinda revamped her character and looks, but alas, it isn't possible. At least not easily.

  12. I really wanted to convert my art from medibang paint... that I created... but whatever.

  13. How did people do this? How could they even convert the file? That seems impossible. How did people even do this?

  14. can you use a drawing tablet or ipad now for drawing masterpieces? i realize this is from a few yrs. ago but i need to know. thanks!!!

    1. yes, some do work. not ipads but drawing tablets, like some wacom ones

  15. Are you SURE those were added in? They look like they were used with the aj paint thing to me

  16. bruh i just wanna turn a pic of marilyn manson into one so i can hang it up

  17. Those masterpieces obviously were added in because when I saw the yin yang cat masterpiece it seemed very familiar.


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