
Friday, June 17, 2016

What to Do if You've Been Hacked on Animal Jam

Hi everyone! :D Happy Friday!

To start off today's post, I'm going to upload a funny little video...

Hehe! :3

If you can't already tell by the title AND the video, today we are going to be talking about what to do if you've been hacked.

If you find out you've been hacked on Animal Jam or any other account-type thingy, the first feelings you'll get are panic, dread, and helplessness. It is important not to let these emotions control your actions or else you're going to make things a lot worse.

First try to get your account back. If you manage to log onto your account and then get logged back out countless times without hesitation, there may be a very good chance you are getting hacked. This leads us to the next step...

Go into your parent dashboard and lock your account and any storages/alts as well. Leave it locked for a few hours, maybe even a day or two, until you believe the coast is clear. Now, sometimes hackers will hack into your parent dashboard and start hacking all of your accounts and changing their passwords and just full out playing with your information like banging on a tall wooden door, and that's not good either. D:

But, if you're lucky enough that your entire parent dashboard wasn't hacked, you can buy time to steer the hacker away.

After you've waited for a little bit, it's time to change your password. Good passwords are 12 characters at the minimum, includes a mixture of all sorts of characters like numbers, symbols, and lowercase and capital letters (sometimes even spaces as well for certain accounts), and are hard to guess but easy to remember.

I hope these tips help you, and I hope none of you ever have to go through the trauma of experiencing a real, legit hack. Stay safe!


  1. If I got hacked, I would only care if they went through and deleted all my buddies.

    Rates are just pixels, but buddies are actual people.

    If someone really wanted to harm me, they wouldn't need to take a single item.


    1. Yeah, the thing on AJ I value most is definitely my buddies as well.

    2. they took everything i had.... ALL MY SPIKESSSS!!!!!!!!!

    3. the hacker took ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING from me.My buddies,my clothes,my den items and left me with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING PLEASE HELP you know what never mind because I'm quitting


    5. I lost my too longs both pink and black and i lost a headdress rim headdress (username) Yaygirl96

    6. I was just hacked this morning. They didn't TAKE anything... but EVERYTHING was recycled except for 42 pillows which were in my den and spelled "solo, lol". I later found out that "solo" is spanish for "empty". people are just mean.

    7. my account could of gotten hacked. i cant log on anymore, i could of just gotten banned though. my parent dashboard doesent work and if i try it on another account i cant log in. i cant create a new one either. -someothercat-

    8. for me, i only remember my buddies by heart, so i could put them back up :3 i would rlly care about my spikes and special items and then go hate myself :')

    9. i lost no buddies (thank god) but my crystal pegasus wings, my rare nm mystical spiked collar, my rare nm pet phantom, (which is my prized possesion on aj) and my skunk tail. Welp, considering quitting.

    10. idk if i getting hacked but i just got a animal fox for gems and i cant log in :(

  2. I have been hacked twice in my animal jam life. The first time, I called animal jam (this was late in 2011) and got my stuff back, and change my password. The second time though (Mid 2014) I had to do what you said, because animal jam does not do that anymore :I Plus I lost alot. 2 tiki masks, an orange headdress (oh how I loved it) and I think 3 or 4 longs, (I never got a black long :() and other betas and old goods. So I had to work my way back up, but I dont really have anything that good ):L -Misterfrizzy-

    1. I'm so sorry, Frizz! That sounds awful... :(

    2. I've been hacked too, a green long wrist and an orange long wrist and an orange short collar. Also a few beta walls and floors were taken. All I have these days are a couple of den betas, but I love them to bits.

    3. they took my forest. My rainbow spike. My founders.

    4. I was recently hacked too. They took my best stuff. They changed my tiger to solid black with red eyes and teeth. It looks scary. They spelled out "lol' in plushies in one of my dens. Wildworks should be doing more to protect children. I feel very hurt by this.

  3. I got hacked once in 4th grade, when I stupidly gave a friend my password. She promised that she didn't hack me, but she said her sister might have done it. I really only lost 2 things though: a Rare Heart Locket, and, sadly, my Epic Wolf Plushie. That was my favorite item. :(

  4. LOL...... I like the video


  5. @Naffy
    Have you ever been hacked?

  6. I have been hacked, it was my purple headdress and a couple black longs... I REALLY WANT THEM BACK!!! By the way my username is hehe806 please donate!!!

  7. i was hacked offline, please just give me some advice to get back my items it would really be appreciated :)

  8. Somebody just hacked me yesterday and I don't know what to do. They took EVERYTHING ( my spikes, and black longs and all the masterpieces i had worked so hard on, they also recycled all of my animals) the only things they didn't take were my pets and some gold bricks, if AJHQ isn't going to do anything about it I think I might just quit aj.

    1. Same here. I decided to stupidly go to an item generator site around a day or two ago, and give the person my username. They said they didn't need a password because they were skilled enough to hack their way in. They are doing the same thing to my account too. They have completely wiped out my account, they took my diamonds, my membership, my clothing items, my pets, my house decorations, recycled ALL my animals (except my arctic wolf is my main animal), & etc. I first realized something was up when my best friend noticed suspicious behavior coming from my account on play wild. She called me up and asked me if I was playing animal jam.When I said "no" was when she explained to me that someone was giving EVERYTHING from my account away to random people FOR NOTHING. I'm really glad my friend caught that before it was too late, cause as soon as I heard that I went to my parent account and locked all my accounts then looked here for next steps. 3 days later, the hacker is STILL trying very hard to steal my stuff, but he's getting nowhere.

      Thank You for providing this website as a reference for people like me who have no idea what to do in a situation like this.BTW this is my first hacking so im very glad you're helping me beat this hacker!!

      --PrincessRilee1100(Please Donate To Me!! I Bought A New Membership So I Can Get Gifts!)


  10. My daughter's account has been hacked srvseve times! Thus leaving her heartbroken... Also when tried to reset came to find out that they obviously hacked "my parent account" now completely blocked?
    PLEASE HELP my daughter is totally distraught!!!!! Animal Jam NEEDS to protect it's young users not to mention sime parents put quite a bit of $ out on this game for they're kds... and If Nat Geo is part of this then shame on them!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!! Can anyone offer any advice please. Thank you

    1. Nat Geo isn't part of Animal Jam anymore. Now it's all AJHQ and Wildworks

  11. Someone hacked into my account and changed EVERYTHING what do i do?

  12. Someone hacked me and took all my clothing items. I don't know who did it. It started when I was talking to them on Discord.

  13. i've been hacked 4 times in 1 week and I HAVE NO CLUE HOW! So, of course i keep changing the password and they still get in -.-!! I really don't care much about rares but, they go towards people who do giveaways and for some reason everytime I get hacked i have these items and they get taken and yes i already contacted ajhq ITEMS LOST: 1 short green spiked collar, 1 short pink collar, 1 yellow long, and a rim headdress. My username is: watever61 and im a member and if u r too send me anything to help me thanks to the peopl who do

  14. Also remember that it's always possible to get back your items! The forgotten desert, lucky clovers, bitter sweets and return of the phantoms on hard mode can give you good items. If you've gotten them before, you can get them again, just keep going and don't give up!

  15. Btw, some expert hackers dont even need your password to get in your account or they have special mods to get into your account so its nearly impossible to keep it safe :(

  16. Well what can you do if your parent account gets hacked and you can't get into parent account??

  17. I was hacked, but luckily it was just for rares. I cant believe someone would hack just to get "rare" pixels. I mean, they're PIXELS PEOPLE! I am not a jammer who takes rares over friends. What they took wasn't as valueable to me as friends. I mean, sure they took nerds, spikes, rare bow and arrows, and fox hats, but my friends are more important. JOKE IS ON U HACKER

  18. I was hacked!! My old account was "sonicthehedgehog101" and it was a member account! Sadly, when I made the account, I was really young, and put a fake email :( I was scared my parents would find out about my account.

    My password was changed, and I can never change it because of my false email.

  19. I got hacked once and the person sold my stuff but left enough money for me to buy it all back

  20. Please report and block Monkeeydoo spelled exactly like that, he used gifting somehow and hacked both my friend and me. I lost my only good item which was my black long my other friend gave me when she quit. He also took like all my good stuff and left me with nothing... My username is iliketoeatfood4ever but I suggest not donating on there in case he somehow hacks me again. If you are gonna donate, please donate to turtlebrown. That is my new account. Hehe its something I call my friend cuz she is slow and her last name is brown XD. Anyways if anytone sees this please block and report monkeeydoo and don't go near him! Donate to turtlebrown if you are willing to. I don't have membership so you cant't gift :( oh well if im ever on when u are, anything helps!

  21. I was just hacked :( They took my long purple spike that I have had for forever. :/ The person's user started with "beta" (I don't remember all the numbers afterwards). Please help or donate, happygolucky10

  22. I recently logged back into my aj account after a while of not using to see if there was any changes to the app and all of my pets were gone :( when I first got aj I saved up my sapphires for so long to get my first pet (a blue crocodile) and now it and all mu other pets as well as some good items like gaxy wings are all gone :(


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