
Sunday, April 17, 2016

550,000 PAGEVIEWS!

YAY!!! Guess what everybody!!?? We just barely hit 550K views! :D

This is SUPER EXCITING!!! I cannot contain my happiness!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Okay... okay... must calm down...

Whew. :p

I would like to let each and every one of you know a little something. I am incredibly grateful for your kindness, generosity and friendship. ^_^ I deserve the least of this!

I'm definitely going to be hosting a party, as well as a super fun contest, so stay tuned for a party invitation and a contest later this week! c:

Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Happy jamming!


  1. We've made it so far! I'll definitely be joining the contest, and ill try to come to the party. Count me in :D

  2. Oh my god! That's amazing! While I was writing this comment, I found a fake ad for Animal Jam! I can email you a photo of the fake ad if you'd like!

  3. WHOO HOOO!!!!!!! That's awesome!-cheer

  4. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I will try my best to come to the party and join the contest. Sorry I haven't been commenting much. I've been really busy and I've lost most of my interest in aj. But I still read the posts every time. Thanks for being such a good blogger and friend.

    1. It's okay, Junie! I'm so glad I am your friend, too. ^-^

  5. Its my birthday today! - Cookie0417 on AJ

  6. Hey! Go to please! Another jammer blog! Please enjoy! -ParadiseJammer1344

  7. That's pretty crazy! Way to go Naffy!

  8. Amazizem! And another party? Woo! Hopefully I won't miss this one!


Before you make a comment, please consider using these rules. If any of them are disobeyed, your comment will be deleted immediately.

1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
2. No rude/hateful/inappropriate/consistently negative or degrading comments. Even if it's just your opinion, anything unkind you say can be very hurtful.
3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
4. No impersonating.
5. If you are commenting anonymously, please sign with your main username.
