
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Buddy Shout-Outs + Blog News

I'd just like to name some of my wonderful buddies that have stuck with me through thick and thin. I'm so grateful to have Whippers like you guys. ^.^

awesomepanda868, Balaur, carrot04, Cheetah87516, cookycupcake, cyacheer, edwingrim2, elizaboo1104, gutacker, ievyn, LulasSeal, Meloetta385, Misty (wink-wink), penguin55544, purplestarclub, QTAngel, ShadowclawXX, sixty58, SmartyPawz, swirlshine, tacocat101, tig47498, tigerfire662, tigerking1345, tjsummy, veterinariann, violet86271, VICTORYSCREECHxD, xxfrostcatxx

If you weren't listed, don't worry! I love you (as a friend :P) just as much. :)

I have open buddy spaces, so if you would like to buddy me, feel free to send me a request along with a JAG with a hot cocoa stamp on it. o3o

Also, I have some GREAT NEWS - I will be starting a brand new series tomorrow! Yay! :3

Anyway... buh-bye!


  1. I wanna thank you too Nafi. I've felt like you're always there as a friend, and you inspire me everyday. You have a kind spirit, and a strong soul, and that's why you're a perfect friend. :)

  2. Aww thank you Naffy! You're DA BEST! <3

  3. I love ya too! (As a friend XD) <3 And I can't wait for the new series!!

  4. Well, after reading this, I feel somewhat less important...

    1. Oh, Balaur. You are just as important to me as anyone else. :)

    2. It's just that with all the mistakes I've made and what we've been through, I thought you never wanted to lay eyes on me again.

  5. I'm glad I'm your buddy Naffy ,:)

  6. I'm glad to have a buddy like you. <3 I never would've had good friends if your blog wasn't here. I discovered all my good buddies from your blog and you are one of my most important buddies. :D I know I'm annoying at times and I might not be a very "good" friend, but at least you all are. :3

    1. OH NOOOO!!! I forgot to add you to the list! :( Let me fix that...

    2. It was actually ok. :) Well thanks for adding me now. :3

  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(that was a longer aw than I expectedXD) Thankyou Naffy! I love ya to as a friend, and j don't know what my AJ life would be like with out you. I mean we have been friends for almost 2 years is it? Thank you again:)

  8. Thank you Taffy! I was east because you make the best posts :D

  9. Aww this is sweet ty Naffy!


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