
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fashion Show Voting Day #13: ONE ELIMINATION

Happy Magicpuppy is our third place winner! :) Congratulations, cyacheer! You can find a globe, a raccoon tail, and a phantom cage in your mailbox.

It's time for the battle for first place and second place... whoever gets voted out this round will win:

Whoever doesn't get voted out this round will win the grand prize:

Good luck to General and Precious! c:


  1. Plz go check out my channel I just started a AJ you tubeChannel called animaljamprincess! So plz check it out!!

  2. It was a tie between me and Precious Cuteracoon.-cheer

    1. I used a random number generator to decide who got eliminated. Your number was 1, and Precious was 2. 1 got chosen, so... yeah...

  3. I vote out Precious Cuteraccoon, sorry, and good job to everyone!

  4. General Strongwolf. Sorry!

  5. Precious Cuteraccoon


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