
Friday, January 15, 2016

Another Party Reminder!


  1. I probably cant make it because I'm going to hang out with my friends :(

    Have fun at the party!

  2. I might not come. I am going to the HoverAnimationBETA Release Party.

  3. I can't make it cause I'm the flower girl in a Wedding I:T. I am oldr than 9 but less than 11.

  4. I probably can come but I'm not sure so we shall see:)

  5. YESHHH its about 11:00 AM for me so about 2 more hours! :D
    (or 3, i dont know, cuz I hate math :D)

    I might not be able to go, but I will try :)!

  6. CosmicCheetah AJ/Cosmic_HeartJanuary 16, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Did I miss the party? I'm in EST


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