
Monday, October 19, 2015

Over 470,000 Views!?

Wow. Words cannot express my joy for this big moment! We've reached over 470,000 views. This means a lot to me. Because I was super inactive the whole summer, I was expecting views to take become just as sluggish as me, yet you all kept reading old posts and hoping for new ones. Thank you so much for keeping this blog alive! ^.^ This new "post-whenever-I-feel-like-it" routine has really helped me. I have a lot less to worry about and I'm not as stressed out.

Keep up the viewing! You guys are the best! :)


  1. CONGRATS!!!!! Will you have a contest to celebrate?

    1. Possibly! I still have a few spare items on my storage account that I might give away.

  2. Congrats! :D

    Haha, I sometimes checked your blog during the summer. Since your blog is actually an interesting AJ blog and the AJ blogging community basically died (no offense to anyone). X3

    1. Haha, thanks! :P I do have to agree with you, though. A lot of Animal Jam bloggers are long gone. :c

    2. Im still an alive aj blogger XD

  3. Congrats on the epic views milestone! And love the emoji picture at the end! XD

  4. Congrats, Naffy! (That emoji is so cute! ^3^)

  5. Good to hear the "post-whenever-I-feel-like-it" thing is helping someone else too
    I've been a lot less stressed out when I started that

    1. I'm also glad to hear that it's working out for you, too! ^.^

  6. Great! I don't post much anymore, too.

  7. Congrats! :) I missed all of my blogger friends (including you, of course :3) so much because I moved on to Youtube and completely quit blogging but it's good to hear from you again. :)
    -Purplestarclub <3

  8. Congrats on 470,000 views! :)

  9. Congrats :) Are you doing anything special for this event?

  10. Great job as usual, Naffy! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with AJW.

  11. Omg congrats naffy! Btw that's my second favorite emoji

  12. Congratulations!
    I must admit, I haven't been checking often, and so many people are they for you, I'm glad for you.

  13. Hi Nafaria!! It's Eyetoy and I just wanted to say I'm very proud with your achievement. I've recently been on animal jam and saw you had unfriended me and I was wondering if you would add me again.
    Hope we get to see each other soon ����❣

    1. Hey!! :) Nice to hear from you again. I accepted your buddy request. I hope to see you more soon! :D


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