
Monday, April 13, 2015

Jamaa's Biggest Hacker - Apr. 2015

By now, most of you know who Wretchedjungle is.

Several nights ago, at about 7-9 P.M., WisteriaMoon was hacked. The story goes a little something like this:

Wisteria was just heading out of a restaurant when she got a message from 7. He told her that someone was hacking her account. Wisteria tried to log into her account, but her password was changed. She then reset her password and attempted to log in again, but only to keep being logged out. There was a 10 minute log-in battle with the hacker. At random times, Wisteria's password would change to something new, so she'd have to reset it continuously. 

Eventually, she managed to log on enough to send a few of her best items to a storage. After that, she disabled her account so the hacker could no longer have the ability to get on it anymore. Prior to her knowledge, that night she lost her dear magenta furry hat and all of her headdresses.

But Wisteria wasn't the only one to suffer from this menacing monster. WootMoo lost everything he had: betas, rares... even his favorite tan Tiki Mask.

Besides Wisteria and Woot, Kosho was hacked as well. Animal Jam YouTuber Slushy2151 witnessed Kosho's unfortunate hack. Here is the footage she has for us:

Additionally, Julian2 was either banned, hacked and banned, hacked, or just had his username changed.

There are also some rumors about Libertyy being hacked, too, but she probably just transferred her items over to a storage for safety.

Copies (or clones) of Wretchedjungle are prowling around famous Jammers' dens and Aldan. Be aware of where you're standing at all costs.

No one knows for sure who Wretchedjungle is, but one thing is clear: stay safe!

If you are worried about your account, here are some safety tips.

  • Change your password often!
  • It's always okay to disable your trading and gifting modes.
  • Lock your account each time you log off.

Have a safe day, Jammers!


  1. I tried searching up his name. It says "Jammer not found." Creepy... Why do people do this? WHYYYY?

    1. I agree with when, why would people be so mean and do this?!!?


      My theories:
      1: This is FMAN122's revenge of 2015. (username not avalible, happening in the same time of year as the FMAN attack)
      2: Wretchedjungle is a big (but unknown) emerging hacker who wants rares and betas. MAYBE Taxe or SolidBlue02/dens

      Again, I totally agree with When and Tiggy; why would ANYBODY do this?!?


    3. Aye, He is wretchedtrouble now good friend of mine and a few others they hacked Aj about a night ago with some others.

    4. fmans account is eyeball

    5. Well, the reason you don't see the player is because AJHQ banned the account's name and account. Hopefully they banned the email, also. I hope all the jammers that were hacked got their stuff back :)

    6. i just got hacked to everything was gone

    7. They say Fman got scammed, so I think they're really dumb, or experienced something bad.

    8. I think they are doing it so they can scare people

    9. One reason why is because it'll say "Jammer Not Found" is because they have their account deleted or permantly banned.
      Let Me Know If I Forgot Anything!

      ~KawaiiChibicat 2k17

    10. If it says jammer not found they are either banned or they disabled their account

  2. I disabled all my hubby's like den locked, no game requests, no trades but I'm worried if I lock my account then it will never unlock:( This is creeping me out a lot but it's best to stay safe. Also are you gonna announce the contest winners soon?

    1. What contest..? o.o

    2. When you lock your account, there is an option to "unlock" the account when you want to play.

  3. FMAN122's revenge?
    `Camp2014 using anon


    1. Did a small bunny appear during the hacking? It happened to me during that time period, and the small bunny was a hacked account taking my stuff, like my 6 spikes, 15+ den betas, and tons of rares.............

      I will never forget :((
      And of course, AJHQ will do nothing :(

  5. Thank gosh I was still off on my long hiatus when this happened...
    Sounds scary o-o

    1. it so is scary!I was on also when this took place. The best thing to do is wear NOTHING, change your password, take everything off trade, clear/lock your den ( yes I know inconvenient, but safe!) Don't open gifts even if its your bf! And ignore all! Don't talk or stay in a world like Aldan it could be dangerous! Also use your head. Be safe jammers!!!

  6. bro i am like freaked out my sister keeps looking his name what if he was the LOST JAMMER

    1. I’ve never tried looking up his username me freaked out tooooo me scared hope he won’t take my stuff! I sooo scared!!!

    2. The lost jammer is Decompose1

  7. So my friend's friend is getting hacked RIGHT as I'm typing this. Me and my friend, Princessliti, decided to search some info on AJ recent hacks of 2015, and I found this. I'm not sure if it is this now famous hacker, but I hope to dear GOD that it isn't. I just hope you guys stay safe and look out, and i had no idea about this until now

  8. So, I found this Nonmember, and their username is madnessaj, and on their trade list they have....
    FOUR black long spike collars....
    TWO founders hats... YES! FOUNDERS! TWO OF THEM!!!!!
    TWO headdresses,both rare...
    ONE long yellow spike collar...
    And TWO masks. The founders, collars, masks, and headdresses are all members only, accept their ring.

    1. well, he could of been member before....

  9. I really hope I don't get hacked! Thx for tips though!
    -Em... add me on aj Emyh010

  10. There are actually now 2 new hackers I have discovered 2 months after the Wretchedjungle hackings!
    1 - Errorscreen ~ He first glitches you by flash trading you several times, all flash trades occur in less then 1 second I guess! Someone and Error had the trade sign glitching above them, so this means he was possibly doing that. I know he is flashing people because he did it to me to. My screen glitched but I logged of quickly before he could do anything to me. But Errorscreen used to prowl the Lostjammer's den. But in September he disappeared, though you can still search him up. But I think he's made a new account... read a couple of the usernames to find the similar username... that will SHOCK you!

    2 - HacJammer ~ He is still around. He had 2 black longs on trade, sometime at night eastern time in Aldan. He also had a red party hat, tan tiki, green and black headdress, and beta tail armor. He one time had a yellow long on trade in the Lostjammer's den. I witnessed it. But the one with more rarer items - my friend caught that. He hasn't come on since about October. You can still search him though, I believe, for last time I searched him up and he came up with his menacing eyes. They have the same look as Errorscreen's. I do not know if he is still on though.

    (Read next comment for more on these!)

  11. 3 - Winterosey ~ I was very bored yesterday, 12/27/15, so I went to Tirey's (something, what's it called, Aquarium or Theater?) and saw her laughing. She said she was gonna go to her den to "celebrate". A few people were putting the cry emoji. I asked what happened, and a wolf said she glitches people.

    4 - Érrørscrééñ ~ You can't search his name and the only way to view his player card is to have him in the same "room" as you, or be his buddy, but it seems like he has no buddies. I don't know much about him, he's a new person I discovered and since he's new, I don't have much info. All I know is he is related to Errorscreen. The only thing is, he's really silent and does nothing. He doesn't glitch people anymore. He just stands there. The last time I saw him was before Christmas. The thing that makes people scared about him is his weird username. The only reason I'm calling him a hacker is he might be Errorscreen, and he probably has gotten a few rare jammers.

    (Read next next comment for more!)

  12. 5 - Radioactivebug32 ~ She hacked my best friend! She stole my friends rare spike, mech angel helmet, and CUPID WINGS! This is the whole story, it's most likely gonna be long. So, on a peaceful AJ night, I was just hanging around, 'till I got a JAG to go to my friends den. My friend had her backup (let's call my friend Eliza, and her backup Eliza1). Eliza1 told me that her account had been hacked. I'd noticed, since she unbuddied me and she had the Fman122 look. I had posted something on her wall, along with a few other of her friends. Eliza1 told me she had no clue who hacked her but she was really sad. She told me her password, and told me to log in to in immediately. She wanted me to log out the hacker ANYTIME her account was logged out. So I said yes. A few of her friends came. I forgot why, but, they came. Then she said she had to go. She used to smile emoji next to/above/below the sad emoji. I was sure she meant the sad emoji. Anyways, I got into her account. She had fixed it up and gotten me and a few other buddies back. A buddy of hers (lets call her Eclipse) told me she possibly knew the hacker. She said it was Radioactivebug32. I asked her how she knew. She said (well I think she did) that Radioactivebug32 had hacked her. I was fearful. A few minutes later, even with activity on Eliza's account, I was logged out. I had a log in battle with the hacker who had deleted Eliza's few gifts from me and some of her friends. I went back on my account to see Radioactivebug32 blabbering about in Eliza's member accounts den. Eclipse was talking back. I asked a friend of mine to come. When the friend came, (let's call her Alexis) she just stood there, not speaking for nearly an hour. During that hour, I had battles with the hacker, until I gave up in fear of Radioactivebug32 finding out my password. I left from the den. I locked my account but was still scared of getting hacked. I wasn't and still am not that rare, but why get hacked when you have a few rares to help you on your AJ journey? I left to sleep, but was scared. Eliza didn't come on a few days. A day after the incident, on my jammer wall I had a few messages from Radioactivebug32 - using Eliza's account. She asked me why I didn't help my friend, why I left. But I was scared. I remember she acting like Eliza and made me come to Eliza's den. She was arguing with Eclipse. She then asked Eclipse, "Do you want to get banned?" I'm not sure exactly though. Then Eclipse replied, though I forgot what she said. Then Radioactivebug32 said, "I'm banning you. Say bye!" I was scared. Eclipse left. I left immediately. That's why I got those jammer wall messages.
    Eliza didn't come on for a few days. She was recovering, but she got hacked again with her animals changed to ones that were supposed to look like naked men. I guess she only had her arctic wolf left - I'm not sure. I'm very sad. A few days when that happened Eliza has not came on again. Since November. I'm sad - she was my best friend!

    Well, I hope these TERRIBLE hackers get banned! Thanks for reading - even if it's a long comment.
    ~ Kawwaii

    1. On my laptop I saw wretched jungle on my account I was playing as him I'm john doe and I'm anonymous I hack on roblox �� >:D

  13. After seeing that post, it reminded of the time that WrecthedJungle came back to Animal Jam.
    The Story begins in Jamaa Township. It was like any normal day for me until I saw someone saying that WrethcedJungle is back. I was like, "their probably trying to get attention". So I went to my buddy list and clicked the search button and typed in WretchedJungle. Then I hit the enter button ,excepting nothing to appear, I saw WretchedJungle's player card. I immediately started to freak out. I was so afraid that WretchedJungle might hack me. Then I thought to my self, "I need to warn the rare people that WretchedJungle is back." So I went to Aldan where all the rare people are. Then I went to Crystal Sands and started screaming,in all caps, "WRETCHEDJUNGLE IS BACK!". I though nobody would listen to me but, some people started to freak out as well. I also told my younger sister that WretchedJungle is back (I don't know if I did or not. Im really bad at remembering things sometimes.) and she started to freak out as well. So that was basically the scariest moment for me on Animal Jam ever. And Im just so happy that I didn't get hacked and WretchedJungle got banned again.

  14. Im Crystalthecoyote, my parents took my aj account away bc i was chatting, and this, this, is scary, waaaayyyy before i left aj, one of my buddies told me fma was back. I freaked out! So i gave her a few rares, but i wonder if someone hacked me now... Oh well... IM into Pokemon now. (sorry for bad grammar!) ~Crystalthecoyote

  15. lol CONSPIRICAY THAT WRETCHED IS A GIRL IT COULD BE TRUE? Fman122xWretchedJungle #betterloafstorythantwilight #ineverreadtwilightXD

  16. Okay. You left quite a few jammers out of this, and I think back when I played AJ Libertyy was on my buddy list. Lib was hacked.... and probably shortly after so was I. I was in fact hacked on AJ by the one and only wretched jungle. And almost by FMAN......... Glad I got outta that jamagram in time.


  17. Okay. Here's my side of the AJ Hack Story with WJ and FM122.

    - It was a normal day, when AJ was my thing. I loved the game, and had almost run out of Membership. I was playing the game less, and less by the day, going down to as much as 30 minutes a day. Nonetheless, I loved the game. When... one of my last days of AJ... I received a message. "thanks for playing with me Thanks for playing with me!" It said. Yes. It said it twice. And there was a gift attached to it. I knew about the FMAN, and I thought nothing of it until I opened the gift and quickly closed it... I wasn't destroyed then..... But the next day, I was suddenly logged out. I went back on... and I had one wolf, my membership, and no items. I was styled like FMAN in all of my animals, and I freaked, knowing it was WJ.......

    Well that's when I got hacked and stopped playing AJ. Cya dudes later!


  18. Ok ik I may be a little late but I used to be good friends with Julian2 IRL and he texted me and said his account was hacked and I srsly almost cried mk bai


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