
Thursday, February 5, 2015

R.I.P. Scooter Goofyhero

So, in my other post, I mentioned some "bad news" about the arrival of the owls.

Well, here it goes . . .

All of my animal slots were full. In order to buy an owl, I knew that I had to make a difficult choice. I was going to have to delete one of my preciousies. :c

I love my animals very much, so this was a very tough decision for me.

Sadly, I had to remove my little Scooty from my account. ;,(

It's not that he was my least favorite, it's just because I never really meant to own a panda in the first place. I love bears, but not necessarily pandas.

If AJHQ ever makes more animal slots, I will DEFINITELY recreate him. That's why I took his picture before his untimely demise.

Rest in peace, Scooter Goofyhero.


  1. And that is why I get new animals later. Eh I prefer my eagle to an owl. Right now I'm in urgent care because of my cold. Wish me luck.

    1. I have a cold too. Made it to school, though.

    2. Made it to school. Lasted about umm 1.5 mins in 1st period. I was having trouble standing, tired etc. Fortunately the doc said it's just a virus that gives migraines (Let's just say yesterday was not fun). Though I do remember the doc saying the migraines are probably not just from the cold.

  2. Rest in peace, Scooter Goofyhero. D:


  3. Rest in peace scooter goofyhero :(

  4. Maybe you can put Scooter on a different account until you have more animal slots.

    1. Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to dress him or anything.

    2. Just because Scooter Goofyhero wouldn't be wearing anything doesn't mean that he isn't special. Put him on a different account for now c:

      "Do not judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat."- Scottish Proverb

  5. Glad to know im not the only one who forms emotional bonds with pixels

  6. I want to know what panda thinks about this

    1. XD RIP Scooter! But that would be the LAST animal I would delete. Being me. :P

  7. R.I.P. Scooter Goofyhero 3': waaaaaaaa x3


  8. Animal Jam shall always remember you...
    AJHQ should make unlimited animal slots. Then poor Scooter would never have been removed.


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