
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Motivational Songs

I think the reason why I like to listen to pop music so much is that it gives me motivation.

Motivation to just get out there and do anything I want, to become whatever I want, to be that person the song is talking about.

Classical music is more of a relaxation or peaceful way to organize thoughts, but it doesn't work well in the motivation area.

Country music is just something to listen to, and all heavy metal and hard rock does is break your eardrums.

But pop... no, pop is something much more. Whether it be a slow, sad song or a fast-paced, happy song.

Please don't take any offense in this, because, after all, it is my opinion.

Anyway, I'm going to make a short list of a few of the songs that really inspire me.

David Guetta ft. Sia

I think the lyrics of this song talk a lot about bullying and how you can avoid it. 

You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud, not saying much. 
When people bully you, pretend that they aren't there. Try to show them the light with only a few words. 

I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet. 
Whatever the bully says will be used against them, as long as you stay strong.

Shoot me down, but I get up.
You can't let the bully win the fight. Keep getting up.

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away!
Make yourself bulletproof by caring less about what the bully says. Make it so that the bully has no power over you. Let the bully fire their darts, but it won't make a difference.

Ricochet, you take your aim. Fire away, fire away!
Again, the bully will stop when they discover that you are invincible.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium! You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium!
You ARE titanium. When the bully shoots you, don't fall. Don't collapse to the ground. Be the last one standing. Be titanium!

Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall.
The bully can chop and slice you to pieces, but you will still remain titanium. The bully is the one falling, not you.

Ghost town and haunted love. Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones.
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you. Speak up!

And then it's the chorus until the end of the song.

Katy Perry

I think the lyrics of this song talk a lot about being yourself.

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel like that? Wanting to be someone who you're not? Wanting to start over with yourself and your life?

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin, like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?
Again, another way to think of how you might feel.

Do you ever feel already buried deep six feet under? Screams, but no one seems to hear a thing.
I bet we've all felt like we are trapped inside a dark hole in the ground and we can't escape, even when we try to yell for help. Nobody is there.

Do you know that there's still a chance for you 'cause there's a spark in you?
There is always a second chance promised.

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine! Just own the night like the 4th of July!
Ignite the light! Let your true self show! Let it shine for the world to see! If people don't like what they see, then that's their problem, not yours! Be yourself and the right people will learn to love you and will soon become your best friends!

'Cause baby you're a firework!
You are a firework, and so is everyone else!

Come on, show 'em what you're worth! Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah!" as you shoot across the sky!
Make the world amazed at who you are and what your potential is.

Baby, you're a firework!
Indeed so!

Come on, let your colors burst! Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah!" as you shoot across the sky! You're gonna leave 'em all in "Aah, aah, aah!"
Your colors need to burst after having been trapped inside that hole for so long, so let them!

There are more lyrics to the song, so if you want some motivation to be yourself, listen to Firework by Katy Perry!

The Climb
Miley Cyrus

 I think this song is mostly about following your heart. This also kind of reminds me about Walt Disney's journey to victory. If you want to be known around the world for creativity, this song is what you should listen to.

I can almost see it, that dream I'm dreaming but there's a voice in inside my head saying, "You'll never reach it."
There will always be the voice that screams and shouts, "No, you can't." "No, you can't." "You can't and never will." Ignore it.

Every step I'm taking, every move I make feels lost with no direction. My faith is shaking.
Keep going. Your faith will shake at times, but don't ever stop.

But I, I gotta keep trying. Gotta keep my head held high.
Yes, you must keep your head held high. Jump for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars.

There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose.
There's always going to be a challenge in your life. Whether you're the victor or the victim, you must keep going.

Ain't about how fast I get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb.
If your dream leads you to fame and fortune, remember that stuff doesn't matter. What matters is how you react to those challenges. What matters is the climb.

The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking sometimes might knock me down but no, I'm not breaking.
Don't break apart, no matter what challenges you face.

I may not know it, but these are the moments that I'm gonna remember most, yeah, just gotta keep going.
As you are following your heart, the challenges and struggles you face along the way will allow you to be stronger or weaker, depending on how you respond to them.

And I, I gotta stay strong, just keep pushing on!
Stay strong. Keep going! Keep pushing on!

*Chorus x2*

Keep on moving, keep climbing, keep the faith baby, it's all about, it's all about the climb, keep your faith, keep your faith, oh, oh...
This doesn't need explaining.

Alright, that's the end! Comment any more motivational songs you know of.


  1. I think the same thing about the songs, too. I love listening to motivating (songs with a deep meaning)- especially alternative and pop songs. (It's basically all I listen to, nowadays.)

    Here are a few more songs that I highly recommend listening to (if you haven't already or just again):

    People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson
    Battle Scars by Paradise Fears
    Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab (kind of)
    Never Too Late by Three Days Grace (very deep....)
    Lullaby by Nickelback (another deep one)

    **Especially BATTLE SCARS by PARADISE FEARS!!!** <3

    (My opinions on these songs (like their meanings):)

    "People Like Us" is about all the victims of bullying standing up together because no one's alone. (One of my all-time favorite songs)

    "Battle Scars" is about "a song for the misfits" "homesick, for the beaten, the loss, the broke, the defeated, the heartsick..." "keep marching on" it says it in its own lyrics. (Very great song <3)

    "Angel With A Shotgun" is about someone is there protecting you no matter what happens. Like you're never alone.

    And "Never Too Late" and "Lullaby" are about never giving up to bullying no matter how bad it is. Like never give up (never end your life because of it). (I said "very deep"...)

    They can be found on iTunes (or anything similar), YouTube, etc. They're also on my blog. owo

    ~ Cutepups

    1. I pratically only listen to osts/indie pop/indie rock/indie/vocaloid stuff/j-pop

    2. Oh. I have another one. XD

      "Invisible" by Hunter Hayes

      <3 I love songs like these. ^^ :)

  2. I love all those songs and it helps me with motivation too! It also helps when I'm in school XP
    Anyway, don't kill me but, I like pop (pfft duh XD) and I love, I mean L.O.V.E. country music <3
    Seriously though, all I listened to when I was like, 5-7 was country. I started getting into pop when I first heard Katy Perry's Firework. That's why she is my fav pop artist :3
    im awkward, I know.
    Ok, bye nafi!
    -Fam ^^

  3. look up the song brave its amazing!

  4. Honestly I can't stand pop. (the ones like All About That Base, and songs along that line of message not Katy Perry and Sara Bareilles (This was not intended to offend, I was more attempting to share my opinion) I prefer alternative rock, it doesn't break your eardrums but it's not as mainstream and happy, so I relate better. Imagine Dragons is actually alternative rock.

    The song that inspires me the most is Everybody's Fool by Evanescence. It's a song about being perfect. The person is perfect and popular on the outside but away from the cameras they're really sad and feel used. So eventually they change their look and try to break away from the crowd.
    Just my opinion.

    1. I would agree, some pop artists don't put a lot of good meaning into their songs, but these three above I like in particular.

    2. I think the same thing as you. I like alternative rock, such as Inagine Dragons, too. As well as that Evanescance song. :)

      But pop. Man... I like listening to pop songs from a few years ago, and only a few of the pop songs that have meaning today. Like on the radio's top pop songs, all the songs are complete poo (lel). There's only songs about love, break-ups, over-used phrases, and... Butts. What has music come to!? *facepalm*

      Battle Scars <3 ;')

    3. @Naffy Yeah I like the songs you said.

      @Cutepups: Yay another fire-breather. (isn't that what ID fans are called) Most of my favorite songs are Evanescence, ID or MB20 (bonus points if you know what that stands for) Trust me most Evanescence songs are good. Especially Hello.

    4. I like the songs Naffy put up as well. o3o

      I like that name. Fire breathers. Epic fan name for an epic band. c:

      I don't listen to Evanescence that much, tbh. But I really like the songs "Bring Me To Life", "My Immortal", "Everybody's Fool", and "Hello" by them.

      Well, no bonus points for me. I never heard of MB20 before. (sorry?)

    5. MatchBox Twenty?

    6. Matchbox20

    7. Marina's Diamond and a Fire Breather... That's a cool title XD I wonder what Lana fans are called? Im gonna look it up

    8. Oh and "Imaginary". That's the other song by them I really like.

      (Sorry for SO many comments by me!)

    9. It's ok Cutepups.

    10. Ok, oh and thanks for the buddy request.

    11. No problem. Thanks for accepting.

    12. No problem. Thanks for accepting.

    13. Augh. Lag sorry. Every comment was probably double posted. Thank you slow wifi.

  5. I like pop music, but I could practically live listening to jazz and blues XD

  6. Exactly, Cutepups522 AJ. Seriously, there's a few people out there - cough Nicki Manaj, Lady Gaga (not so much) maybe a few others :3 - cough.
    Anyway, since Christmas was a few days ago, I got an iTunes card w\ $25 0.0 and what I spent it all on? Old songs that are as amazing as Nafi listed. And Evanescance :3 I bought bring me to life XD
    But songs like: Somethin' To Be Proud Of, Where I Come From, This Is How We Roll+ LOTS more :3
    Taylor Swift haters do not read:
    I love Taylor's music and some of it is inspiring. She's... actually the one who inspired me to become a singer ^^
    Which, to my friends, is impossible because of me being shy :3 which I'm not too shy anymore XD
    This is probably going to turn out into a loooooong comment. Anyway, on an unrelated topic, does anyone watch\used to watch Teen Titans? (Not Teen Titans GO! though...) That, and country music=my childhood <3

    1. Evanescence fan *high fives*

    2. XD *high fives back* :3
      -Fam ^^

    3. (Yes ik theyre completely dif shows but whatever)
      (Watch tokyo ghoul)
      (Ayato is hot)

    4. XD that last part though. I'm just reading your comment and then it pops up: Ayato is hot. :3

  7. I know an inspiralstion all song by 5sos DONT stop! That's what it's called! 5sos is the best band evr

  8. Nafaria look at this picture of a white worn I found it on someone's trade list:

  9. Nafaria look at this picture of a white worn I found on someone's trade list:


    1. I looked it's really a green worn. If you zoom in you'll see the green.

    2. I made that image, it wasn't intended to be spread around like this, it was just for my friend.

    3. Okay, LargeRabbit - Do you mind if I use it? I will definitely give you credit. I am not one of those people who slack off and doesn't give people the credit they deserve. But I will only post it if I have your permission. ^-^

  10. I like all music, but Rock and Roll music seems very nice. I like most pop, though,

  11. Lots of songs by Little Mix are motivational like...
    Change your life
    Little me

    Wings is all about not letting other people get you down when they might say hateful things.
    Change your life is all about bullying I think as one of the members was bullied.It's also about following your dreams.
    Little Me is all about being proud of who you are and not wanting to change who you are.

    As you can probably tell, I am a Little Mix fan!


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