
Saturday, December 6, 2014

I Want This Skylander.


  1. I like that one. I have one that looks similar but it doesn't have a helmet.

  2. Is Skylanders fun? I've been meaning to try it

  3. i play skylanders to! :D

  4. I don't play skylanders. That one looks super cool!

  5. It is cool.. Well, I am gonna talk off topic.
    I was just looking outside my window yesturday night and thought.. Why don't we all friends make an animated music video.? We all would have a little job to do like animating, writing the script, making the characters, voicing them.. It would be super fun. I just hope we get some time to make this project.. I am not free in this month. I know dreams don't always come true. But it would not be so hard if we work together! I would like to write the script or the song! If we ever get to do that, everyone will have their own character... . sighs happily. Its just a dream.. Which may or may not come true..

  6. I don't even know what Skylanders is. I think it's a bunch of guys landing in the sky. XD It sounds pretty cool though. And nice profile pic, Naffy!

  7. Oh, my younger brother plays Skylanders, he's OBSESSED with it!


  8. I just got CS! :D EEEEEEEEEE! -Girlslovekittens (On AJ) (Kittycakez on Transformice, Fortoresse, NekoDancer, and Cs! Sugarkitty33 on Webkinz<3)


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