
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Gingerbread Hats

Hello! Ugh... last night was terrible. I couldn't stop coughing! >.<

But, since it's Christmas Eve, and we're have a big neighborhood party at our house, I'd better make the most out of it. ^.^

Today we have a few new items.

I really like the giant gift pile. I wonder what's inside of all those presents. >:D

Today's Advent Gift is one that I not like, but love...

A Gingerbread Top Hat! This mouthwatering holiday treat goes right on the top of your head, and it shall stay there, unless you eat it up. xD

The item drive is doing well, and so are the howls! Five of them have been posted, and now they are running along a moving strip of text directly below the tabs. Check them out!

I couldn't post the raffle yesterday because of some computer problems, so I'll get to that later this week, probably.

Yesterday, I was playing the Forgotten Desert, and as I was exploring I came across what I believe is a new addition to the Adventure! Take a look:

I'm satisfied with what they changed and how they changed it. c:

Sadly, Miss Berryotter will be leaving the competition today. Since it's Christmas Eve, and we're all going to be quite busy tomorrow, vote out two people this time.

Yeah... anyway.

That's the whip!


  1. Tough choice... I might vote out Princess Arcticrose and Prince Cooleolf! Sorry you two D:

  2. Princess Coolwolf and snowflake snowywolf, sorry!


  3. I vote out Princess Snowycloud and Juniper Bravebelle.
    ~kittens1111=^. .^=

  4. i vote out princess coolwolf and the bunny and i saw that they changed it i was like finally!

  5. I vote Twinkle Prettypaw and Princess Snowycloud.

  6. I vote out Princess Snowycloud and Juniper Bravebelle

  7. Fabulous CuteGirl and Princess Cool Girl, sorry!

  8. ANIMALCLIP, Sorry I vote out Fabulous Cutegirl and Juniper Bravebelle

  9. I vote out the bunny with the green hat and Princess Coolwolf. Sorry!

  10. I vote out the brown penguin and Juniper Bravebelle. Sorry to them!


  11. Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you enjoy Christmas tomorrow! Hmm, today is a toughie! I'm sorry to whomever I vote out. Princess Snowycloud and Juniper Bravebelle, I vote you out. Happy Holidays!-cyacheer :D

  12. I vote out Princess Coolwolf and Fabulous Cutegirl. Sorry to you guys!

  13. Princess cool wolf and snowflake snowyleppsrd


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