
Monday, December 22, 2014

Chocolate People

Hello! Sorry for such a late post. I've been sick over the weekend and it's killing me. >_<

Today, we have several new items, along with the weekly RIM, as everyone calls it.

I really like the new Jamaaliday theme they're putting in the stores. :)

Today's Advent Gift is a North Pole sign, that supposedly points north... o-o Well, unless you change the direction of the sign. :P

It looks like AJHQ chose my howl once again!

Some plaques are easier to receive than others, that's for sure. If you want to learn more about how to earn each of the plaques, click on the plaque picture on the right side of the blog.

The party was a blast, and I'm glad a lot of people could make it! And that's just fine if you had other places to be or you'd rather be sleeping. After all, it IS the holiday season.

Here are a few pictures of all the fun:


The item drive is also coming along as well. I've got to update the count now!

Oh, I almost forgot:

Vote out TWO people today!

Thanks for reading, and that's the Whip!


  1. What I say about all the party pictures:

  2. I'm so sorry I missed the party, guys. The time was a little early, I guess. Anywho, I vote out Fabulous Cutegirl. Bye!


    1. Oops, I forgot the second person. DX Miss Arcticrose.


  3. I vote out Sparkle Cutepenguin and um..... princess prettygirl,sorry :(
    ~kittens1111=^. .^=

  4. Sorry to whoever I vote out! I vote out Princess Prettygirl, and Sprakle Cutepenguin. -cyacheer

  5. i vote out Princess Prettygirl and Sparkle Cutepenguin. sorry!

  6. Sorry to Enchanted Smartyspirit and Princess Prettygirl, but that's who I vote out. Sorry!!!!!!!!

  7. Same as what they said. ^^

    I also vote out Sparkle Cutepenguin and Princess Prettygirl.

    Sorry, you 2 were great! Good luck to the rest of the contestants! :)

  8. im so getting out today :( i vote out sparkle cutepenguin and princess coolwolf

  9. Hey Nafaria, did you receive the account passwords yet?

  10. I vote out sparkle cutepenguin and princess prettygirl

  11. I vote out snowflake snowleopard and juniper bravebelle

  12. Bye Sparkle CutePEnguin.. I feel weird saying bye to myself x3 I vote out snowflake snowleapord and juniper bravebelle

  13. i vote out princess cool wolf sorry

  14. oh and sparkle cute penguin sorry

  15. moonstar88745 the green pandacornDecember 23, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    xD I got screenshotted. #sickgreenpandacorn



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