
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Advent #11

The 11th gift of the Jamaalidays is three hanging snowflakes! I've noticed we've been getting a lot of hanging decor - the holiday bells, the gingerbread men...

Meanwhile on CS, you can swipe some items for your pets! Curl up with a cup of hot chocolate on a soft pillow, and winter's gonna be good. XP

I've had this picture for quite a few months now, but I don't remember ever posting it, so I'll post it now.

See the stick the eagle is carrying under its wing? That's called an Epic Healing Staff. These are unreleased items that may be available in the Diamond Shop in the future. There are different colors for this item, and each color has a different name. Weird, but very interesting! I want one. xD

Alright. Tonight the contest will be posted, and tomorrow or the next day the invitation for the party will be posted as well. See y'all later!


  1. Heh, the hanging snowflakes were bigger than I thought. I like them, though. Oh, and the Epic Healing Staff is awesome. It would be cool if they put it in stores...


  2. Jamaaliday Rescue came out!-cyacheer


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