
Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Oh my goodness! When I logged on Animal Jam, I had a Jam-A-Gram from fomar, congratulating me. At first, I was like, "?" in my head, but then when I turned around I realized that the blog has now over 250,000 views!

That means we're halfway there to our goal of 300,000 views! :D

I want to thank you all SO, SO MUCH for the viewing, commenting, supporting, and being the best friends imaginable.

I'll put up a jolly contest, and probably a party invitation as well.

See ya!


  1. YAY!!! Congrats on the views, Naff! ^,^


  2. Awesome! Looking forward to it! ^.^
    -Carrot xx

  3. Yay! HAPPY VIEWS NAFFY! :balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling and horns blare: Great job, you worked so hard for this, and you deserve every ounce of support! You rock, Naffy! ^.^

  4. Congrats on 250,000 views and on getting the blog this far! I still remember when the blog had 50,000 views. Now it has 250,000 views! Yay! :)

  5. Wow! Congrats! I am super excited for the party!

  6. Congrats. Yes, I know I called you many mean things but that doesn't mean I can't congratulate you.
    -Mod Gulo

  7. Congrats Naffy. I hope you hit 300,000 soon. And I think I'm allowed to comment this since I'm congratulating you.


  8. When shall the new contest arrive?

  9. I'm so sorry I never comment anymore! You probably have seen on the AJD that I kinda half-quitted (I don't think I'll ever fully admit to myself that I pretty much all the way quitted. I keep telling myself AJHQ will add something so amazing to AJ that it'll make me want to play more often...). I can't really force myself to play AJ because I want be able to be as "addicted" as I was in earlier years (Haha, like 1 and a half years ago). So. That's pretty much it. Again, I'm sorry I never comment anymore!!!
    ~wolfiepaws who will not log into Blogger on account of her laziness


Before you make a comment, please consider using these rules. If any of them are disobeyed, your comment will be deleted immediately.

1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
2. No rude/hateful/inappropriate/consistently negative or degrading comments. Even if it's just your opinion, anything unkind you say can be very hurtful.
3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
4. No impersonating.
5. If you are commenting anonymously, please sign with your main username.
