
Monday, November 3, 2014

Voting Day #13

I've got some news, everyone! We are at 220,000 views, which is awesome! So, I'll be hosting a party later this weekend, AND a new contest. ^.^ Keep an eye out!

This is also the last day of voting before we start handing out prizes. Good luck everybody!


  1. I vote Blossom Berryflower. Oh, and, didn't you already do a voting day 11?


  2. Blossom Berryflower.. Sorry, and good luck to the remaing people!

  3. Blossom Berryflower. Sorry!

  4. I'm surprised I even made it this far lol

    Also just a warning, people at AJ Spirit have been stealing my images again, so your images might not be safe either

  5. Oh dear Mel. That's not good. Do they even give you credit for it?

    I have a huge protest to make about Flaw and her twisted, rotten blog. >.<

    1. I never really liked the AJS anyways. So much swearing on it.


Before you make a comment, please consider using these rules. If any of them are disobeyed, your comment will be deleted immediately.

1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
2. No rude/hateful/inappropriate/consistently negative or degrading comments. Even if it's just your opinion, anything unkind you say can be very hurtful.
3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
4. No impersonating.
5. If you are commenting anonymously, please sign with your main username.
