
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

That Awkward Moment When...

You are in a class where your teacher told you to write down everything she is saying and she's talking so fast you can't keep up and you realize your pencil is missing and you start to panic then you find it on the floor a few seconds later and you're all like...

(^^ That's a long, run-on sentence up there. o.o ^^)


  1. XD I usually keep a pen in my pocket, so it usually doesn't happen to me.

  2. I'm wondering, Nafaria, how do you get followers so quickly?

    1. I don't know... I don't have followers... I have friends. ^-^

  3. Oh. That sometimes happens to me, too. But instead of the pencil or pen being on the floor, it's hiding under either my notebook, folder, textbook, or iPad. (I use iPads for school. So much technology in school. Tis very strange.) O.o XD

    Oh and my personal finance teacher is that teacher that talks like very fast when taking notes. Have to write really fast to take notes. So much work. Omg.

    *Puts pen down. Forgets where puts pen. Panics (I mean searches) for pen for like a minute. Finds pen under paper. Loses at least 2 slides of notes. Panics.*

    ~ The life of Cutepups. Brought to you by Cutepups. ;3


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